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#1 December 8 2013


Adobe Brackets text editor

Anyone checked out Adobe's Brackets text editor?

It's a text editor (a la Sublime, in some ways), but geared towards Web development, specifically HTML/CSS and JavaScript and/or node.js - not that it won't work with other languages.

Sublime, by the way, has to be credited for reviving Text editor development and innovation - I don't think we'd be seeing so much interesting stuff it wasn't for Sublime.

It's open source, but it is also the foundation of another commercial Adobe product, in a way like Chromium underlies of Chrome. By the way, the editor itself is built with HTML and JavaScript, and I think that it is runs Webkit + V8 or something like that, which is another interesting fact about it.

Here's a an article that goes over some of it's interesting functionalities:

http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools … ts-editor/

Worth a look! It's also predicted to receive Sublime's multiple-cursor editing capability in the near future at some point, which is one of the things that I miss about Sublime.

Let me know if you try it out...


#2 December 9 2013


Re: Adobe Brackets text editor

It looks quite interesting indeed, possibly a definite goto for web designers.


#3 December 9 2013


Re: Adobe Brackets text editor

I have been using it for a couple of days now. I haven't been using any of the fancy features (although I tried them), except for the JavaScript autocomplete. I wish it was available for other languages too.
Yet it's nice to know that I have them. The interface is nice.


#4 December 11 2013


Re: Adobe Brackets text editor

Update: I find myself using Sublime again because:
- Brackets gets slow sometimes (hey, it's an feat that it is fast enough to be usable, this thing is written in HTML and JavaScript).
- Brackets only understands HTML, JavaScript and CSS (at this point). Brackets cannot make any sense out of PHP, and none of it's fancy features (in particular, quick jump to definition) work with PHP. Brackets is a snub.

Overall still OK.


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