hey guys

has anyone ever seen a proper branded PSU in Lebanon? Provided it's at a reasonable price too!

food for thought...
Pcandparts has a couple.
I wouldn't exactly consider Thermaltake PSUs as tier 1/tier 2 PSUs. Surprisingly, I discovered that the InWin 650W is a duplicate of a Channel Well Technologies (CWT) 650W used in Corsair and Seasonic PSUs. That's about it.

Anyway know where I could find an Antec, Seasonic or Corsair PSU in Lebanon? I'd appreciate it.
for normal PC-s some people use viewtec (which is a chinese brand but its preety stable,if your running just an office pc)
i prefer enlight for pc-s like i3 and i5 IF THEY ARN'T GAMING (much)
as for gamers i like thermaltake or in win ect
but for an average gamer/user enlight is the best brand because its cheap and very stable and the watts rated are real
AvoK95 wrotefor normal PC-s some people use viewtec (which is a chinese brand but its preety stable,if your running just an office pc)
i prefer enlight for pc-s like i3 and i5 IF THEY ARN'T GAMING (much)
as for gamers i like thermaltake or in win ect
but for an average gamer/user enlight is the best brand because its cheap and very stable and the watts rated are real
BTW these are all found on pcandparts.com
We're opening soon. If you can wait, we're getting OCZ and Corsair, if that helps.
I've checked out the ones on pcandparts.com


that sounds interesting. I reckon I can wait a while, for what it's worth. What sort of time span am I looking at here though?