saiedw has chosen an excellent source of electronics projects (Make Projects), it's actually one of my favorites. You can also check the
uniwheel robot and
balancing robot build on
Instructables' robotics section, they're quite easy to implement as well. Also check the
electronics section and
Arduino-based projects.
Of course, don't forget the post about the
Beetle Bot here on Lebgeeks (unfortunately I've had quite a load of work, so I couldn't post the step-by-step build; will try to do it this weekend cause I'm taking Saturday off).
I also advise you get a head start on reading books about robot builds like "Robot Builder's Bonanza", and of course pick up some programming (start with Python to grasp the concepts of programming, move to a bit of C/C++ to get a old of the basics, then move to Arduino to learn more about programming microcontrollers: use books like "Getting Started with Arduino" and "30 Arduino Projects for the Evil Genius"). Some good books concerning electronics and basic electrical circuits are "Practical Electronics for Inventors" and "Electronic Circuits for the Evil Genius". Also check out the link to
Frank's hospital workshop, this technician has an excellent
set of manuals for courses in electronics.
I'll try to finish the thread about Beetle bot soon, and maybe start on the balancing robot. Good luck :)