ranibalaa Hey guys, So i got my iPhone when it was released ( augustish ~) and i wanted it in white but back then they kept postponing it indefinitely until in october or november they announced it till spring. Well spring has come and so has the white iphone. Is there anyway i could change my black iphone for a white one with OEM parts. I am emphasizing on the OEM part because i have purchased knock offs from before (50-60$) and they have terribly failed in standards. So does anyone know a place where i can change my iPhone to white? Thanks anyways
thegodfatherdany I can't tell you a specific shop but all i can know is you should wait a bit more for the product to land fully in Lebanon ( i saw a white iphone on elmazad for 1,500 $ ! ) . I think you could order the parts you want from Shatilov , a member on this forum.
Ahmad_k White iphone havn't the same dimension of black one. I saw this on Engadget website. it is a little thicker.
omar_killer yes,the white iphone4 is a little bit thicker and it have different front camera/proximity sensor sources: http://www.gsmarena.com/white_iphone_4_has_different_camera_lens_and_proximity_sensor-news-2588.php http://www.gsmarena.com/the_white_iphone_4_is_thicker_wont_fit_in_some_cases-news-2583.php
mezin not really accurate ... they're supposedly the same http://news.consumerreports.org/electronics/2011/05/apples-white-iphone-is-not-thicker-than-black-version.html