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  • Something Weird About Google Translate

Bing Translator:
Israel will finish:سيتم إنهاء إسرائيل
Hizbollah will finish:سيتم إنهاء حزب الله
Here's a google translate easter egg:
go to Google Translate, set it to translate from german to turkish and type 15 ä -letters!!
Bla Bla Bla
Set the Google translator for 'German to German' translation.

Copy and paste the following into the translate box:
pv zk pv pv zk pv zk kz zk pv pv pv zk pv zk zk pzk pzk pvzkpkzvpvzk kkkkkk bsch

Click Listen, and have a blast :D
@everyone: This thread is about Google Translate, the weird thing that happened with the translation, and other potential Easter eggs.

Political opinions about Israel, Hizbollah and the rest will be automatically deleted.
Help me keep the forum clean, please.
shouldn't "finish" in active tense be تنهي instead of تنتهي?
I tested this a few days ago after some sensationalist Facebook status updates, and found that the translation fluctuates. So there's no consistency. It's Translate being all beta.
5 months later
guys, you have to check this out, one of my friends posted this as a status on facebook:
Do the following !!!
1) go to google translate
2) type in "Who said to sell pepsi for Rs.65?"
3) translate English to Arabic
4) Copy the Arabic version
5) choose translation from Arabic to English
6) and the truth will be unleashed!!!!

There are plenty of those. They're bugs. Try writing any country's name followed by will die and see the translation, then write Lebanon will die and see the translation. We rule!
try this from english to arabic: i spend all my time on Facebook.
PS make sure that the "F" is capital and put a point at the end and then try without a point.
i think those things are like vandalism in Wikipedia.
the best thing is the beatbox posted by MegaCool.
eurybaric wrotebecause translate depends a lot on people's manual corrections.. If you hover/click on the translated words, you can switch to other options, and even add your own translation. so probably lots of hezbofans did that and chose "lan" , so now it has priority in this sentence. LOL @ the ppl who did that though...Geez

some have too much freetime :D