well just about today , i bought my new laptop and along with a TP-Link WR541G/542G v7 0815311C ( hardware version ) , and my connection is now used on a desktop and wirless of course to my laptop.. i was using internet fine on my desktop until suddenly the internet stopped working on it , i tried to reboot the router unplug it , reconfigure it many times and it worked , then after a while electricity went off , went back and still working fine , then ( u know its lebanon ) went back off again and back on and guess what ? conx doesnt work on pc anymore , tried the same thing as before unplugging many times , rebooting and watever for like 15 minutes and then it worked again , this is my router log :
0000:System: The device initialization succeeded.
2 0006:DHCPS: 1:0x00142a8a5787, NAK in request.
3 0007:DHCPS: 1:0x00142a8a5787,, ACK in request.
4 0015:PPPoE: Automatically dialing on demand.
5 0015:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
6 0017:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
7 0020:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
8 0024:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
9 0024:PPPOE: request timeout.
10 0025:PPPoE: Automatically dialing on demand.
11 0026:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
12 0028:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
13 0031:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
14 0035:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
15 0035:PPPOE: request timeout.
16 0036:PPPoE: Automatically dialing on demand.
17 0037:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
18 0039:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
19 0042:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
20 0046:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
21 0046:PPPOE: request timeout.
22 0047:PPPoE: Automatically dialing on demand.
23 0047:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
24 0050:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
25 0053:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
26 0057:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
27 0057:PPPOE: request timeout.
and it keeps going like that when its nt working
and thats when its working fine:
58 0158:PPPoE: Automatically dialing on demand.
59 0158:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
60 0161:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
61 0164:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
62 0168:PPPoE: Sending PADI.
64 0168:The first service name is accepted.
65 0168:PPPOE: reserve AC-COOKIE tag.
66 0168:PPPOE: receive HOST-UNIQUE tag.
67 0168:PPPoE: Received PADO,AC-Name=ISP_Killer2,AC-MAC=000C4207105C.
68 0168:PPPoE: Sending PADR.
69 0168:PPPoE: Received PADS,Session-ID=0x49,AC-MAC=000C4207105C.
70 0168:LCP tx Req,MRU=05C8;Magic=000003D4;
71 0168:LCP RX Req,MRU=05D4;Auth=C2;23;05;Magic=C201719B;
72 0168:LCP tx Ack,MRU=05D4;Auth=C2;23;05;Magic=C201719B;
73 0168:LCP RX Ack,MRU=05C8;Magic=000003D4;
74 0168:LCP RX echo req before ppp is up.
75 0168:CHAP RX Challenge.
76 0168:CHAP tx Response.
77 0168:PPPoE: Chap authentication succeeded.
78 0168:IPCP tx Req,IP=00000000;DNS1=00000000;DNS2=00000000;
79 0168:IPCP RX Req,IP=AC109E01;
80 0168:IPCP tx Ack,IP=AC109E01;
81 0168:IPCP tx Req,IP=00000000;DNS1=00000000;DNS2=00000000;
82 0168:IPCP RX Nak,IP=AC109E4A;DNS1=0202020A;DNS2=04050607;
83 0169:IPCP tx Req,IP=AC109E4A;DNS1=0202020A;DNS2=04050607;
84 0169:IPCP RX Ack,IP=AC109E4A;DNS1=0202020A;DNS2=04050607;
85 0169:PPP connection succeeded. .
so the main question is why those timeout requests are happening ? is it from my half ? or for my luck internet was "broke" at these moments ?