• Gaming
  • Final Fantasy 14 (flop of the year??)

After the disappointing performance of Final Fantasy 13, Square Enix looked to redeem itself through tackling a field that they once successfully invaded (FF11), the world of mmorpg. Sadly, their upcoming product entitled "Final Fantasy 14" so far received nothing but negative reviews.

IGN: 5.5/10
Gamespot: 4/10
Gametrailers: 4.2/10
Gamespy: 2/5

I quote from the IGN review: "Final Fantasy XIV's questing mechanics feel more like a subway commute than a fun gameplay experience. Patches over the course of the next few months may address many of the technical issues, but for now this is not a world worth visiting."

Discuss and share your opinions.
Correction in topic title: "FF13 and 14 flop of the year"
I think both games will get some stiff competition from Quantum Theory, that game is a pure joke :P.
All they care about this generation is making money, their decision going multiplatform was the biggest mistake...
I miss the old Square and Capcom, they truly messed up big time this generation..Capcom already ruined Devil May Cry with their new DmC reboot BS..
MegaCool, please add to them Konami as well, which fucked up the PES series through its decision to go multi-platform :(.
You notice the trend guys?
All of them are Japanese developers. They have really lost their creativity and touch this generation compared to their Western counterparts. With the exception of a handful of games (Metal Gear, Street Fighter), most of the Japanese developed games are much less to fun to play and enjoy. They tried to appease to a larger audience (going multiplatform AND more casual gamers) and failed miserably. They forgot that they have a loyal following and didn't build on that. Let's hope they make up for their mistakes with the sequels (I'm talking to you FF Versus 13...... <_<).
Elchebib calm down why do you hate FFXIII this much?

As long as FFIX is going to have a subscription fee like DC Universe than i am not in.
kareem_nasser wroteElchebib calm down why do you hate FFXIII this much?

As long as FFIX is going to have a subscription fee like DC Universe than i am not in.
I think Elchebib is right..FFXIII was only a great game if your new to the series, amazing graphics and gameplay but doesn't feel like the old FF series, characters aint as memorable as FF7-8-9 and 10, and sure thing story aint as deep, besides who needs to play a linear FF game..i guess FF was great with its open world environment.
Ruroken wroteMegaCool, please add to them Konami as well, which fucked up the PES series through its decision to go multi-platform :(.
from what I remember pes was multiplatform since the launch of the original Xbox, but yeah pes went downhill , EA is much better this generation, I tried FIFA11 and was really impressed how far EA managed to enhance the game.

I guess Japanese developers are trying too hard to make games suitable for western and casual audience this time around, that's why they weren't as good as the ps1/ps2 time..
PES went downhill when it was introduced to the new gen consoles and went from Playstation exclusive to multi-platform. Nowadays, they're regaining some of the form but they still have a lot of work to do before PES goes back to its legendary status.
MegaCool wroteI think Elchebib is right..FFXIII was only a great game if your new to the series, amazing graphics and gameplay but doesn't feel like the old FF series, characters aint as memorable as FF7-8-9 and 10, and sure thing story aint as deep, besides who needs to play a linear FF game..i guess FF was great with its open world environment.
Well it seems this generation every publisher is trying to reach out new consumers basically because of the economic crisis which led to the decrease of sales and core gamers.
That's not quite accurate. At the start of the new generation (PS3 and Xbox 360) there was no such thing as economic crisis, everything was fine and dandy and they still decided to go multi-platform. It's simple, when certain companies turn famous they also turn greedy, and the option of multi-platform represented a gate towards a new source of money. But they sacrificed quality for the sake of getting more money and in the process they also sacrificed some of their core fans and thus a chunk of their sales.
I think Elchebib is right..FFXIII was only a great game if your new to the series, amazing graphics and gameplay but doesn't feel like the old FF series, characters aint as memorable as FF7-8-9 and 10, and sure thing story aint as deep, besides who needs to play a linear FF game..i guess FF was great with its open world environment.
Funny. I used to say that FF8-9 were really bad compared to the "real" Final Fantasy like 5 or 6. I guess it is normal evolution. Each Final Fantasy is a new thing. If you expect every game to be exactly like FF7 (or FF10) you will be disappointed.

I haven't played XIII yet, so I don't really know if it is bad, but looking back I think I loved every single FF game I played:

FF2: Most intelligent leveling system ever created.
FF5: Nice little game, you fall in love with the characters.
FF3/6: First time ever played such an epic game.
FFVII: Amazing graphics, epic story. Cloud/Sephiroth is still my favorite hero/villain couple of all time. Figthing system and level up was standard though. Killing Ruby weapon was no easy.
FFX: Most emotional FF. Story is amazing (unlike 7 it's not complicated to understand). Graphics are mind blowing. You will fall in love with Yuna. You will want to play with Lulu's boobies :) Fighting system is stop time (for the first time) which implies some strategy. Leveling up with the Sphere Grid is interesting system, although it could be improved. Aeons (summons) are simply glorious.
FFX-2: Nice little game. Story is cool, girsl are sexy, fighting system is fun (dress spheres). Ultimates are fun (super dress spheres). Main story is short and concise. A lot of side quests.
FFXII: Poor story line. Very short. An infinite number of side quests. Most intelligent and enjoyable fighting system of all time. With Gambits, you basically have to create your own AI. 5h long ultimate boss fight.

I did not mention 8 or 9 because I only spent a few hours playing each and did not really enjoy them back then (for the same reasons you don't like XIII, I used to say the same things). I really want to play them now.