Hey everyone,

It's great to finally find a forum such as this one. It was basically referred to me by a friend.

My name is Ayman and i'm from Beirut. I work in the Human Rights field and i'm also a freelance translator.

What interest me the most in this forum is the situation of the internet in our beloved yet annoying country and everything to do with the gaming world.

I'm sure you will see me around actively posting :).
Hello Fake Ayman, welcome to the lebgeeks.
Hey everyone,

It's great to finally find a forum such as this one. It was basically referred to me by a friend.

My name is Ayman and i'm from Beirut. I work in the Human Rights field and i'm also a freelance translator.

What interest me the most in this forum is the situation of the internet in our beloved yet annoying country and everything to do with the gaming world.

I'm sure you will see me around actively posting :).
Hello Ayman, another new Ayman here on the forums :D Welcome and enjoy :)
Hey Ayman, nice to see someone with a different field of interest than IT, programming and engineering. What's also interesting to me is that you're one of the minorities I know who works in the Human Rights field. As an NGO member whose promoting literacy and importance of higher education for students at public schools, this is something indeed.

We'll have a stand at Beirut Marathon on November 7th (NGO is LSCCB: Lebanese Society for Children Capacity Buidling). Make sure you register for the marathon and drop by!!

Oh, and welcome to the forum :)
Hello and welcome.
Thanks a lot everyone :).
mesa177 wroteHey Ayman, nice to see someone with a different field of interest than IT, programming and engineering. What's also interesting to me is that you're one of the minorities I know who works in the Human Rights field. As an NGO member whose promoting literacy and importance of higher education for students at public schools, this is something indeed.

We'll have a stand at Beirut Marathon on November 7th (NGO is LSCCB: Lebanese Society for Children Capacity Buidling). Make sure you register for the marathon and drop by!!

Oh, and welcome to the forum :)
Well the feeling is mutual :). I represent the Human Rights Center at Beirut Arab University and we were also planning on participating in the Marathon this year, so most probably i'll catch u there and most probably you'll find me laying on the streets after 100 meters of running :P.