• Gaming
  • Anyone interested in PS3 - 360 Trade ??


I have a 3 red ring of death Xbox360 , with all wires / adapter + 2 game pads + 10 games of your choice + 10 games of my choice,

I want to trade it with a PS3 not older than 60 GB, and ready to pay more,

Why I want to trade , and why I dont want my xbox360 : Since I want to get a PS3 watch BluRay movies + play online,

OR anyone want to sell his used PS3 b se3er la2ta I am ready for that...PM me please
so basically you wanna trade a non working xbox360 for a ps3 ?
exactly unforgiven

why would I give you my PS3 for a non-working xbox 360, considering that when an xbox 360 gets the RROD, it's hard to get it fixed again( I fixed mine twice in a month and it couldn't stay fixed)?

edit: try eBay. some people buy broken xbox 360s for their parts.
unforgiven wroteso basically you wanna trade a non working xbox360 for a ps3 ?
and hes asking for 60GB+ versions
I think that's what he meant, he bought X360 3 time, & 3 times it gave him RRoD, so the 4th one he'd like to trade.
I thought that maybe somebody could buy a broken 360 for its parts....Anyway,
no one wanna sell his used PS3 also ??
no what he meant is that it's RRODed (3 is the number of red rings :P)

dude i still don't see how you saw this as a fair deal ... how much are you willing to pay for a used 60 Gb PS3 ?