and unlimited :( most of the world is faster then us and by 2020 even 10 Mbps will be slow
At least there are still some countries worse than us, such as Zimbabwe or Sierra Leona. I remeber reading somewhere that the allocated quota for a student of a african university (forgot which one, but i think it was pretoria university) it was around 100 MB or so.
Excluding the African continent you can be sure that our percentile of service quality is definitely below the 10%.
Anyway, get accustomed to the current situation, it's going to be a while till a change comes our way.
Am i the only one who's recently having a super fast Internet connection during night. I've been downloading torrent files at an average speed of almost 160 KB/s. It peaks at 400 KB/s !

I found it weird enough to a point where i contacted my ISP and asked him about any upgrades to my/his bandwidth.
Yorgi wroteAm i the only one who's recently having a super fast Internet connection during night. I've been downloading torrent files at an average speed of almost 160 KB/s. It peaks at 400 KB/s !

I found it weird enough to a point where i contacted my ISP and asked him about any upgrades to my/his bandwidth.
o.O which ISP are you with?
If it's true then you have a speed of about 3.5 mb and that's impossible in Lebanon because max is 2.3 mb which ogero has.
Yorgi wroteAm i the only one who's recently having a super fast Internet connection during night. I've been downloading torrent files at an average speed of almost 160 KB/s. It peaks at 400 KB/s !

I found it weird enough to a point where i contacted my ISP and asked him about any upgrades to my/his bandwidth.
i thought i'm the only one with that "problem", cause no one was believing me.

during the whole second week of the month i had a steady 1mb (i should get 512kb) speed all day (and sometimes it gets fastert during the night) and no quota was registered. few days ago the quota marking was back but the speed remains . idk why its happening , its strange but who cares (i wish i remains like that :P), i downloaded lots of stuff last week.
usually this kind of shit happens to me form time to time , not the first time

and i notice some anomalies in the upload speed several times ( i was like WTF ) a 10mb file uploaded within seconds and i was uploading a 20mb video to facebook, it didn't take 45 secs
i hope god with his divine powers blesses my internet connection to be like that .. amen (a)
Originally Posted by Abdallah K.
Posted on the NowLebanon Blog

I took a bold stand a few months ago. Publically, Telecoms Minister Charbel Nahhas was talking up an underwater Internet cable that was supposed to bring Lebanon enough bandwidth to knock your socks off by May. Other sources I interviewed confirmed this. I believed them and declared in an article that salvation was at hand.

Friends continue to mock me. Well, I have an update, of sorts.

Monday, as part of my stalking campaign, I “ran into” Nahhas at an economic conference. What, I asked him, ever happened to this cable? The problem, he said, lies in Egypt and an Egyptian delegation will be visiting Lebanon “tomorrow” [i.e. Tuesday] to discuss the problems.

Today, I texted and e-mailed his PR guy to ask what happened at the meeting. “The meeting will be tonight at 7 pm, so no answer before,” he replied. Tuesday, Thursday, they both begin with “t,” I guess.

Meanwhile, this morning, Riad Bahsoun – who spoke with me about the VoIP ban – gave a little more background on the problems in Egypt. He says Egyptian Army Intelligence wants access to and control of all the switches and terminals – and therefore all data passing through them – associated with the cable on Egyptian soil.

Needless to say, the various companies that have bought into the cable are not impressed. Bahsoun says there’ve been “at least 25” meetings to try breaking through this impasse, all to no avail. He’s not hopeful a solution is in the offing, and lambasted at length Lebanon’s outdated infrastructure, which would have trouble handling the increased bandwidth were the undersea cable ever to arrive.

Lebanon’s IT sector is neither properly governed nor does Lebanon have a dedicated core to support efficient Internet distribution. When will the country be ready – if it started today?

“At least six years from now,” Bahsoun said.

Sorry about the bad news guys
i already saw this article somewhere on the web, but the question is : " is it real ? " what's real ? are we going to have the promised " revolution " or not ? i just want a yes or no ! are they actually installing fiber optics or not ? are we getting connected to a new sea cable in the 31th of july ? or not ? are we gonna have 10x faster speeds by 2011 or not ??
GN90 wrote
Yorgi wroteAm i the only one who's recently having a super fast Internet connection during night. I've been downloading torrent files at an average speed of almost 160 KB/s. It peaks at 400 KB/s !

I found it weird enough to a point where i contacted my ISP and asked him about any upgrades to my/his bandwidth.
i thought i'm the only one with that "problem", cause no one was believing me.

during the whole second week of the month i had a steady 1mb (i should get 512kb) speed all day (and sometimes it gets fastert during the night) and no quota was registered. few days ago the quota marking was back but the speed remains . idk why its happening , its strange but who cares (i wish i remains like that :P), i downloaded lots of stuff last week.
usually this kind of shit happens to me form time to time , not the first time

and i notice some anomalies in the upload speed several times ( i was like WTF ) a 10mb file uploaded within seconds and i was uploading a 20mb video to facebook, it didn't take 45 secs
Can you please make some speedtests during night and day? And with which ISP are you with?
vengeance666 wrotei already saw this article somewhere on the web, but the question is : " is it real ? " what's real ? are we going to have the promised " revolution " or not ? i just want a yes or no ! are they actually installing fiber optics or not ? are we getting connected to a new sea cable in the 31th of july ? or not ? are we gonna have 10x faster speeds by 2011 or not ??
Yes we'll have the promised speed, but the main question is WHEN?????
vengeance666 wrotei already saw this article somewhere on the web, but the question is : " is it real ? " what's real ? are we going to have the promised " revolution " or not ? i just want a yes or no ! are they actually installing fiber optics or not ? are we getting connected to a new sea cable in the 31th of july ? or not ? are we gonna have 10x faster speeds by 2011 or not ??
You saw that on page 14 of this thread.
31th of july ? get real man. No call of duty without lag.
about two months ago I used my mobi connection with a 512kbit plan and got myself a download speed of 120kb/s so its around 1 mbit.
babum wroteabout two months ago I used my mobi connection with a 512kbit plan and got myself a download speed of 120kb/s so its around 1 mbit.
Yea me too, I had the 512kb plan and I was getting 1.02 mb download also. By the way I went to see and pressed on my results which is above and look what I found:

I don't remember that I did a speedtest and got more then 0.64mb speed, I have the 512kb plan from ifly and I don't have double speed, so why is their 1.38mb in my results?
gamer4life wrote
Yorgi wrote...
Can you please make some speedtests during night and day? And with which ISP are you with?
My ISP is SatGate NOC ;)

Here's a tracert:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7600]
Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.


Tracing route to []
over a maximum of 30 hops:

  1     6 ms     5 ms     6 ms
  2     8 ms     6 ms     5 ms
  3     9 ms     9 ms    16 ms
  4    11 ms     7 ms   103 ms []
  5     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  6   409 ms   411 ms   416 ms []

  7   414 ms   417 ms   651 ms []
  8     *        *        *     Request timed out.
  9   337 ms   340 ms   344 ms
 10   342 ms   344 ms   336 ms []

 11   390 ms   360 ms   361 ms []
 12   364 ms   340 ms   341 ms
 13   357 ms   345 ms   344 ms
 14     *      341 ms   344 ms
 15   363 ms   355 ms     *
 16   394 ms   399 ms   402 ms []

Trace complete.
Yorgi wroteMy ISP is SatGate NOC ;)
Very good! I was thinking about subscribing with SatGate, so I need some reviews...

What type of plans are you registered to?

What is the amount of downloads you are downloading per day?

What about the QoS? Does the speed varies through the day? Is there so many disconnections?

What is the size of the dish? From where did you get the DVB modem?

Any more info will be more than welcomed!
well mine is supposed to be a 256K connection, heres the after midnight result