well i dont really know if its a hardware problem or an software .. but i know its annoying.
here it is: im working whatever on my computer and after 3-4 hours it shut down .. not even a normal shut down my screen becomes black and my computer reboots again normally then again after 3-4 hours the screen becomes black and my computer reboot..
its making me crazy :P so anyone got any ideas ? windows , software , hardware ? virus ?..
This used to happen to me but it was a Trojan horse infected aver 600 critical system files so format was my only solution but it was my fault because i kept the prob even though i knew about it.
well ill try to scan my pc .. if nothing is caught than screw avast :P format it is!:P but avast scan takes like forever :P i need to scan file by file
If you're running windows and you see no blue screen then it is most probably a hardware problem. It can be a virus, but it's most probably hardware (IMO).
Try watching temperatures, opening the case and blowing dust, and maybe change the Power Supply (it's very cheap). Do you think it is related to room temperature? Or maybe fluctuating electricity? Try running the computer with the case side cover removed.
i once i had temperatures problems .. over heat and things i removed the case for half an year having no problems a week ago i returned the case and after 2 days this problem stared .. so it seems a temperature thingy
but im too lazy to stand up and remove it right now :P ill do it later :P
edit : thanks btw :)
rolf wroteIf you're running windows and you see no blue screen then it is most probably a hardware problem. It can be a virus, but it's most probably hardware (IMO).
Try watching temperatures, opening the case and blowing dust, and maybe change the Power Supply (it's very cheap). Do you think it is related to room temperature? Or maybe fluctuating electricity? Try running the computer with the case side cover removed.
It is true but onll for temperature issues because it will increase after use and if it was hardware faliar why would it come to surface after hours of usage and may even render the PC useless
it could a be sata port issue , harddisk issue or a power supply issue or if its a software make sure to scan your pc also if your using torrents or idm or such softwares your not setting them to turn off your pc as a schedule it happened for me before in the end i knew it was idm faults hehe
It's most probably your CPU thermal sensor, when you it goes beyond 90C due to lack of proper ventilation and fan coolers, it automatically turns off to protect the processor. Actually I assume you are hearing your CPU noisy fan struggling with the heat.
that's my case too about the noise thing but it seemed that when i opened the case one the plugs of the extra fan for the CPU is not plugged it is like with 5 plugs together well one of them was torn off so i plugged it in and screwed my case more because there was two screws missing because i use them for peripherals and put the case on the side where it blows the air out because it s in a narrow old type table.