here you go
try this first, 99999 is the zip for people outside the USA when ordering stuff off the internet and it won't let you because you have not filled in the Zip code.
if not try these
0 + four digits is usually New England or New Jersey
1 + four digits = New York
2 + four digits = MD, VA, NC, SC, DC
3 + four digits = FL
4 or 5 + four digits = parts of the midwest and west
6 + four digits = Illinois
7 + four digits = TX, LA, OK, AR
8 + four digits = NV, CO, UT
9 + four digits = CA, OR, WA
01003 = Amherst, MA; 08540 = Princeton, NJ
10003 = New York (Greenwich Village)
22030 = Fairfax, Virginia; 28314 = Fayetteville, NC
30303 = Atlanta, Georgia
41876 = Saline, MI
55413 = Minneapolis, Minnesota; 59802 = Missoula, Montana
60666 = Chicago, Illinois
75501 = Texarkana, Texas
80954 = Reno, Nevada
90036 = Los Angeles, California