hello guys. I used to play wow about a year ago, but in the last week the network where I go to bought wow and installed it on the computers. everyone is playing the game at the network. they told me to get it and play with them.I bought a usb and copy past wow(from the computer to the usb) then I came home and copy pasted it from the usb to my computer. when I try to run the game I'll have an wow-error that the file .\client.cpp .i read about it on the internet they all say using the repair tool will fix the problem i have the repair tool but when i run it i get "this version of blizzard repair does not support you world of warcraft version English" then i guess i need an older repair tool version mine is v2.2.0 i searched on the internet for more than 2 hours and couldn't find anything ... can someone help me find a repair tool ?
sorry for the long topic :P
I'm not really sure but in a lot of cases copy pasting the game folder won't cut it. I think you have to install the game from a dvd using the setup, but again, i'm not sure :p
I downloaded all the game + patches from visp since it's faster :P now it's working took me a week to download everything thanks
ballouta wroteI downloaded all the game + patches from visp since it's faster :P now it's working took me a week to download everything thanks
Wow. Good luck on your fatoura. :P
visp , nearly unlimited he will pay nothing more :)
what fatoura :P I'm not dsl (if you mean this) and by the way visp doesn't work on dsl so I have a normal unlimited cable internet.