PSN: Lamba-k4
Use it mainly for Blackops, and modern warefare 3 in a month time :)
PSN: SupremeGamer10

Mainly Mortal Kombat 9 and FiFa11

Mainly any call of duty and battlefields
8 days later
PSN : Michaelbaini
Blackops / fifa / dirt 3 and Soon : battlefield 3 +MW3
23 days later
acc: ibxoful101 (PSN)
lvl : 15 (bf3)
Games : Bf3 mainly (online) uncharted 3 (offline) mw3 soon (offline)
13 days later
l Serial klr l (on xbox live)

a month later
a month later
shamel85 wrotesatyricalsam
PSN or xbox ?
6 days later
psn: pakman190
I play mw3 mostly. Recently came across a lobby hosted by someone in lebanon and got close to perfect ping. Unfortunately got to play just one round before the server disconnected.
Anyone here ever hosted a game so I can join his and enjoy internet quality we should have?
Any battlefield 3 players!!
Please add me or send me your ID to search for you, mine is: bilanio
add me i'll play some matches.
check the fifth post for all psn id's
Just a quick question guys, is it possible to somehow temporarily disable your xbox 360 mod to be able to play an original game online
Update to LT3.0

And check your burned games with ABGX

If it gives you all green checks then feel free to play that backup online with no "worries"

P.S Original games still work even on flashed xbox's
PSN : IMAD1843 (fifa 12 and call of duty MW3)
8 days later
24 days later
PSN: Kiwi-the-Fruit

CODMW3 and BF3 (bought it yesterday!). I'll be probably logging in in a couple of weeks since i have exams right now.
Is there a free server to play xbox360 online?
If my xbox360 has been flagged because of a bad copy disc can I play on these alternate servers?