• Gaming
  • What are you playing these days ?

MW2 single player.

Fifa 10 online.

Stopped playing FF13, 12 hours into the game. Kind of battal eli jledi.
Black Ops Online

Fifa 11 Online

Gran Turismo 5

@---()--()--- : بطل إلي جلادي :P
---()--()--- wroteMW2 single player.

Fifa 10 online.

Stopped playing FF13, 12 hours into the game. Kind of battal eli jledi.
Dude same thing on ps3 though i am enjoying the 1080p gfx but the story is too thin especially for an MGS/FF fan like me.
8 days later
Back to ACB the patch 2.02 is out. I am downloading it now it will take like 13 minutes.
I'm going to receive Borderlands this week, has anyone played it online? If you yes, will it lag with a Lebanese connection? I'm with Ogero 512k.
An old strategy game i finished like 7 years ago and playing it again Black & White
6 days later
Currently am not playing any game, am waiting for Test Drive Unlimited 2 (Online Game).
An old strategy game i finished like 7 years ago and playing it again Black & White
Black and White is amazing to be honest, I remember I was addicted to it when I was playing it (around 7 years ago as well). The second one was a bit disappointing though, have you tried it?

Currently I'm playing Assassin's Creed II and FFXIII on the 360.
now iam playing NFS hot pursuit, COD Black Ops, and replaying some of my collection like Heavy rain and Uncharted 2. and so much looking forward for LBP2 and DC Universe Online which are coming i think next week to Ninos.

On pc am playing Crysis Warhead, BFBC2 Vietnam, and replaying Oblivion
wait there's still more, on psp am playing Def Jam fight for NY, Gladiator begins, Megaman X.
(psp games count right!? No?)

btw, i need more people playing NFS hot pursuit, if anyone is playing it online on the ps3 add me
PSN: Hambooz (plz mention in the message that ur from lebgeeks cause i hate when i get adds from people i dont know at all but lebgeeks are cool ;)
4 days later
I'm currently playing Borderlands. It's such a crazy game in coop.
Borderlands!!! Awesome game dude ... you should try the multiplayer, extremely fun and kind of addictive.
I decided that I will not play it on solo. My friend is going to camp in my house and we're going to go through it in coop.
I just finished for the 2nd time Dark Messiah Might and Magic Elements :P
Very good game that I would recommend to people who likes RPG games
COD : MW2's single player campaign. (Finished it in one sit-through)

Fifa 10 online.

Assassin's Creed : Brotherhood, will be starting it tomorrow.
playing Company of Heroes, going through all 3 campaigns, and finishing Crysis Warhead, next up is The Witcher.
Playing Dragon Age again untill Dragon Age II comes out, Deathspank :Diablo like game which is funny as hell cause the creator is the one who made Monkey Island serie (<333 Gybrish Threepwood)

Just Cause II, Splinter Cell conviction, and ofcourse WoW
12 days later
Offline: Final Fantasy XIII

Online : Fifa 10

Games I'll be playing soon : AC - Brotherhood, CoD : Black Ops (single player mode)
I solved my NAT prob and now i ma able to play ACB online.

Also i am slowly playing and exploring the world of Fallout 3 because i have the GotY edition so tons of stuff to do there. As for FFXIII i am in chapter 11 and this parts needs lots of grinding and i want to complete the side missions there.
Gomez012 wroteI'm currently playing Borderlands. It's such a crazy game in coop.
i second that amazing game , one of the best new ips this gen , cant wait for borderworlds , also playing ninja gaiden 2 kinect sports soon dead space 2 and bulletstorm .