• Gaming
  • Sony Playstation - Games Exchange.

Games for sale or fair trade:

1. Uncharted 2- Region 2
2. DiRT 2 - Region 1
3. Resistance 2 Platinum edition - Region 2
4. Little Big Planet 2 - Region 2
5. Killzone 3 - Region 2
6. Uncharted 1 - Region 2
7. Modnation Racers - Region 2

i know this is a PS3 only thread but:

Xbox 360

1. Gears of War 2 - 20$ (original of course; for sale only)

Wish List:

1. Call of Duty WaW
2. Call of Duty 4
3. Infamous 2
4. Catherine
5. A decent headset
6. Ratchet and Clank : Crack in Time and Ratchet and Clank : Tools of Destruction

(will ONLY accept a fair price or a trade to any listed above)
11 days later
I got Killzone 3 & Red Dead Redemption for sale, Red Dead for 35$ & KZ3 for 40$
18 days later
My list:
FiFa 10
Mafia II
Metal gear solid 4
Call of Juarez : The cartel
WWE all stars
Batman: Arkham Asylum

Will trade for anything new or worth playing.
7 days later
Assassin Creed Revelation - Special edition + comes with Soundtrack Disk (for sale)
8 days later
battlefield 3 ( PS3 ) for sale or trade

Originally bought for $83, selling it for $40.

Would trade for NFS the run

PM if interested
I currently have extra keys of the following gamees.

Need For Speed Hot Pursuit - 20$ (Steam Price 50$, Origin Price 50 euro) - Can be activated on Origin

Deus Ex Human Revolution Augmented Edition - 40$ (Steam price 60$) - can be activated on Steam

Deus Ex Human Revolution - 20$ (Steam price 50$) - can be activated on Steam

Call of Duty MW3 - 40$ (steam Price 60$) - can be activated on Steam

Battlefield 3 - 40$ (Origin Price 50 euro) - Can be activated on Origin

Homefront - 20$ (steam price 30$) - can be activated on Steam

+ If anyone have an Uncharted 2 Region 1 & want to trade it Uncharted 2 Region 2 please tell me, I've searched for the Region 1 & I cant find it.

Any body wants to sell PS3 Cod MW3 - Region/Zone 2 ?
14 days later
Hi Guys,
i have brand new Soul calibur 5 (the latest release)
for sale for 50$ or trade with a MW3.
Anyone bf3 for pc? 20$?
Anyone has Singstar Dance? I'm in need of that game a lot!
And I have Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception, I bought it, played it for 8 hours, and now I'm not using it :P
$65? lol
a month later
Okay, so I have the following PS3 games

- inFAMOUS 2
- Resistance 3

I'm open for trading with any cool stuff, but I'm mainly looking for the following

- Deus Ex: The Human Revolution
- Dark Souls
- Catherine
- Batman: Arkham City
- Rayman Origins

Let me know if you'd like to set up a trade, I live in Tripoli at the moment but I always come down to Beirut, Hamra specifically

EDIT: List got smaller, i should be getting new stuff soon though
a month later
Verizian wroteOkay, so I have the following PS3 games

- inFAMOUS 2
Hey, will you consider selling InFamous 2 ?! I dont have any Decent Games to trade for,

AnyBody Else Has InFmous 2 for sale ??
Guys, i have a question,
Are codes (for bonus game features) within Special Edition PS3 games, Reusable ?!
Specifically i am talking about InFamous 2 Special Edition.

Please replay ASAP for the guys that know about it.
Guys, please anyone has an idea about this ?!
Im gonna buy the game Later today !!
Anyone wana trade battlefield 3 for halo combat evolved anniversary? I got it from virgin and I still have the receipt and it was barely used. I'd also trade for FIFA 12.
AVOlio wroteGuys, please anyone has an idea about this ?!
Im gonna buy the game Later today !!
No. Not reusable.
Your answer was too late man,
I already bought the game, and lol the code did not work.

But eventually the guy gave me his account, so i downloaded them from his :p
Hello, I want to get rid of these PS3 games in Beirut:
(Those with a star '*' are my favourite)

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood (*)
Batman: Arkham City (*)
Deus Ex: Human Revolution (*)
FIFA 11 (You never know)
LittleBigPlanet 2
Portal 2 (*)
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves (*)
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception

They are in good condition and I am open to selling and trading, don't hesitate to suggest anything.