recon1025 wrotePPPOE was originally developed for the xDSL solution, point to point over an ethernet wire. However in the case of globalproof this ethernet wire u got running down form the roof is connected to an access point which operates through "radio frequency it's refered to as wifi which is an IEEE standard known as 802.11x and for those who claim to be educated but yet need others to login their system to fix their problem, it's it's 802.11B however, since the frequency it operates on is 2.4ghz is illegal to begin with and already being used by military, cordless phones, microwaves, bluetooth and so forth... It's not an effective solution not latency wise. The PPOE is used to send the username, password and "service name" all can be intercepted, even if u use chap it is easy to decrypt, after all there are different versions. Heard of kerberos? Secondly IDM's 256K broadband for 110 is not corporate, the SOHO is. IDM, Cyberia, Terranet and sodetel all provide their "last mile" through GDS equipment which operates on the 3.5ghz. 3.5 ghz doesnt have any interference on it, it was under interference during the war, the Israeli war ships were jamming the signal. 2.4 ghz frequency for lebanon or I should say heavily populated cities in lebanon is not an effective solution. Any educated person that takes cordless phone operating on the same frequency along with the military into consideration would realize that. If your brain doesnt get it yet, im refering to the end-user to local provider route.
PPPoE was NEVER developed for DSL. For DSL usually is used PPPoA. Today also i was configuring Corecess, there was also PPPoE with LLC/SNAP encapsulation available.. From RFC: "It is intended to be used with broadband remote access technologies that provide a
bridged Ethernet topology, when access providers wish to maintain the session abstraction associated with PPP." [/b]
About 2.4 Ghz. Maybe you never heard about custom solutions, and power of some chipsets. For your knowledge, our equipment have implemented even for some well known on market 802.11b/g cards, non-standart features, like changeable spectrum width, other medium access methods to utilise all raw bandwidth (yes, 54Mpbs can be utilised about 80%), custom FEC for NLOS setups, and etc. For example regular "108Mbps", we are able to boost to 432Mbps. There is few drawbacks, but it is not important. Few our not important links run raw 802.11b/g, bust most of them running customized protocol on RF level, plus as GDS, we have government wireless licenses and dedicated for us ranges of frequencies, and i am not going to provide them for you, plus links usually have encrypted tunneled connection.
About chap, it is not so easy to decrypt as u think, but yes, there is weakness. More secure methods, require from users to be more educated. Most of lebanese internet users dont have even basic knowledge to use properly windows. Cable providers already was weak networks, cause usually it WAS big switched ethernet segment. Now we are installing something in such networks, and few "hackers" got surprise, when nice guys knock their door, and clear a bit skin on their face. And last word... if you are so scared about security, prepare bucks, as i said, and get dedicated (ADSL or based on one of our own wireless units) connection + openvpn somewhere in europe. Like one big company doing, they taking for their main offices ADSL connections from us, dedicated wireless units for their top management @home, and regular connection for other people, plus there is our free dialup. Most important, they run some kind of Cisco VPN, maybe IPSEC+L2TP. Thats it... u sniff their internet password, it doesnt give you anything. The second i see complain, and i will decide it is serious, i will start tracking switch by switch, and if you are wireless based, kismet+GPS will provide me your position also, and soon you will hear knock in ur door. Or maybe just bad surprises in life. I dont like people, who bothering other people just for fun.
About my poor english. I am russian. Sure it is not excuse...