zis wroteI don't know the comp. But what they probably do is make you use a proxy that gzips all the pages before sending them back to you. It is a bit faster but it has many disadvantages. First a proxy slows down your connection, gzipping also takes time. So expect a delay when asking for a page. When you receive a gziped page your browser has to get all the page before displaying it as opposed to displaying part after part as it gets it...
Gzip compresses text up to 90%.. n images might also be converted to jpeg with a poor quality.. But the advantage isn't very significant, coz nowadays most sites will directly send you gzip content. It is transparent, all browsers can receive gziped pages..
All major sites gzip content before sending it, it saves huge bandwidth..
I didnt know that most sites gzipped content :)
Yeah anyway with this system you have 0 gain on images or mp3 or sites which are already zipped. So it all depends what you are downloading.