Hi guys.
this is not a serious topic.Posting mainly for fun
I was bored (that is how everything starts)
so I was reading something about a new technology that might be used to stop car chases (it can actually be used for a lot more also )
Here is the link :
the idea is to Burn computer chips using Microwave Energy making ur car stop,ur computer...the university computer, the computer at work(to take that long trip vacation),cell phone ..
in on sentence everything that has a chip in it
i completed my quest on microwave weapons.. and i found that you can build a microwave weapons for cheap price at home, here comes the link:
i would like to ask the hardware geeks couple of questions :
1- I want ur thoughts on this (not only jokes :P ) [do u think that it is possible or just some articles on the
internet cheap talk and hype . ELABORATE
microwave energy to interfere with microchips inside ur computer. Once the chip is overloaded with
excessive current, the computer ceases to function
is that a possible scenario ... how do u think microwave weapons would work ?
3- Is it detectable? can u immagine the harm that can be done lol, can it operate in normal conditions or just
in labs
So guys.... first i want ur feedback on this first.. w later on the discussion i would ask other questions.
I don't understand lot of hardware stuff.. but i will manage