---()--()--- wroterolf wrotewhat isp do you have?
A local ISP ( you know, lebanese illegal connections )
I suggest you call him and ask him what ports he's blocking and why the game is not working. Maybe he can help.
---()--()--- wrotedoes he ask you to use a proxy?
huh ?
I mean does he ask you to configure internet explorer with a proxy server. I guess not since you're "huh"ing me
---()--()--- wrotehe may be blocking UDP traffic...I'm wondering
well, i'll check that out. Anyway, what exactly is UDP traffic, and what's the difference between UDP traffic, and normal peer to peer traffic ?
UDP and TCP are the 2 main protocols in use on the net. TCP is used for browsing, msn (yet MSN video and voice use UDP i think), most p2p... 90% of the applications actually. Games sometimes use UDP instead of TCP though.
Look up "http-tunnel" in these forums, you'll find a lot about it it's a way to bypass firewall limitations, if you're willing to pay 5$ per month.