I was just looking around and found some things about SLI, and thought that I should share it with you (how nice of me).
For those who dont know SLI is a technology that lets you run 2 Nvidia graphical adapters simultaneously, the 2 adapters working together to improve the performance of video rendering.
The system has got some interesting aspects. But first, if you want to go SLI, you'll need an SLI compatible board. Of course you'll need a good CPU because it doesnt make sense to have a powerful graphical adapter with a weak CPU! AMD is always better for games - so do yourself a favour ;) Then you'll need some SLI graphic adapters. I'm not sure, about the 5 series, but the geforce 6xxx seem to be SLI compatible. You can buy one then buy the second later.
Here's a great deal I stumbled upon:
So it seems there are "SLI compatible" power supply out there. I dont know if it's required, but you'll need a fat power supply to run 2 video adapter, consider 500w and more.
Here's for the performance part:
As you can see, the SLI performance gain is the most noticeable at higher resolutions such as 1600x1200 , where the gain can reach 80%, making it interesting. So you dont want to build and SLI system without having a big wide (and expensive :D ) display.
All in all this technology is quite interesting, but only if you can afford the rest of the computer ;).
But wouldn't you like such a thing in your PC?
In the above article, they have used SLI to combine 2 ASUS 7800GT Dual GPU boards, wich makes a total of
FOUR 7800GT GPUs working together... :/