i have the cheap illegal internet and i download at 5-6kb/s max
but on kazaa after turning of socks5 thing
and then using port 2693 im ghetting speed 20-30kb/s
weird does any one know how can i do this to my i.e
maybe your isp is limiting speed for KaZaA, and by using socks5 you have bypassed the firewall rule.
(rolf knows more about this than me, so make sure to ask him :))
that's probably what samer said.
I'm assuming you use socks5 + http-tunnel, (is that what you're using?).
Imagine you have a roadblock. There are two ways to get through the roadblock: the normal way, where all the cars are waiting in line and the "khatt 3askari" reserved only for ambulances, police, etc...
Now you have a packet that you want to deliver to the other side. You usually wait in long queue with the other cars.
What you just did by using an "http-tunnel" is put your packet in an ambulance, and have the ambulance deliver it to the other side!
In the real word, the roadblock would be the firewall. The khatt 3askari would be only for browsing the web ("http"). And the normal queue would be for kazaa, bittorrent and the rest.
for ie:
tools->internet options->connection->LAN settings
check "use a proxy server"
click "advanced"
in SOCKS put:
Note that pages may take more time to load with that, so it's not always a good thing for IE.
For any other program with socks support, it's the same: socks server and port 1080, no authentication.
If you have a program that does not support socks, then you can still have it work through http tunnel by downloading "sockscap v2".