i have some problem ive been trying to get fast internet but cant find so the lest company i got was gds and they give me account on cyberia i got 128k cable 50$/month
i thought i would go at 60-70 kb/s but its like 10-15kb/s and kazaa is even slower
wtf is this is this speed normall cuz i was in dubia first and dsl is cheaper and goes from 60-80kb/s
This is definatly a late reply but just wanted to explain something:
lets call this computer-basics 101 shall we ;)
1 Byte which is written with an upper case B equals 8 bits which is written with a lower case b
that said, it means the following:
when a company says they will give you 128 k
bps notice lower case b and thats the convention we use for bandwidth we measure it with bits and not bytes..
so what does 128 k
bps mean in download speed (as the speed your internet explorer would show which is measured in bytes and not bits) well you'd have to divide the 128 by 8 to find the answer to that
so basic math :
bps/8 = 16k
Bps so that's the most you'd expect from that connection
bps/8 = 32k
Bps so that's the most you'd expect from that connection
bps/8 = 64k
Bps so that's the most you'd expect from that connection
real life results do vary but by using this technique you'll get an idea of what speed in terms of bytes you should expect..