Hey guys, I just wanted to ask here, whenever Ogero goes on strike, DSL and 3g in my area cuts off completely (I only get internet like 2 hours per day when the centrale has kahraba or something). But it seems like everyone else I know just has internet 24/7 as if nothing is happening. I know some people have microwave or something, but what about all the others?
If ogero strikes and everything is on then it's a matter if something goes down in X central. Every company unfortunately has to use ogero as a DSP. So if they decide to take down everything on purpose, except everything to go down. We live in a dream country.
Guess I'm just unlucky with my centrale. What happens here is that it gets automatically turned off save for 2-3 hours per day like it's only when the kahraba is on and no one is turning on the generators haha
Koreitem area, I think we have internet about 15 minutes per day. The rest of the time it's just sitting pretty with that red light blinking.