I know most companies do not respond well to people asking for a part-time job, but nevertheless, what are the jobs/careers that can allow that? Any idea you can think of?
If one day you decided to work part-time in Lebanon, what would it be? (not necessarily relevant, but that someone is experienced in IT/software)
I don't believe part time even exists in this country, unless it's something similar to a waiter. Anything else they will ask you for 9-5 monday to friday and on-site. Some will even demand time on weekends. To be honest I would never consider working part time in Lebanon because such a position probably doesn't even exist in software (i'm a backend engineer). To be very honest with you, I would not even consider working full time in most Lebanese companies, they can be very picky / elitist, and most of the time won't even get back to you / ignore you completely. I've had a much better experience doing software engineering work for companies based in Europe / USA. They are very fair and assess you based solely on your skills / evaluation scores, and are MUCH more professional and nice when dealing with you.
@GeorgeN indeed, I had the same impression myself about part-time in Lebanon, thank you for sharing.
I agree with you 80% on working remotely with Western companies but you need to account for the cons:
- Ugly work schedule/timezone with USA & Canada (it will affect your work/life balance in Lebanon)
- Those companies will not adhere to the Lebanese labor law (which can be very protective in many cases)