Please let us know how it goes, I recently applied and transferred the money, currently waiting for the installation.
Same here, I submitted the application and in the process of paying. The first thing I asked was whether the connection is symmetrical.
The download is fine, it's very consistent, I am having some routing issues but nothing a vpn can't solve, they're providing true bandwidth of 20mbps and double that over night. The problem is with upload, they're shaping it, they give you the first 15 seconds at real speed to trick speedtests and then it goes down to 2-3mbps. This started happening since the new pricing came out so I hope it's a mistake, still trying to get a hold of them on the phone.
xterm wroteSame here, I submitted the application and in the process of paying. The first thing I asked was whether the connection is symmetrical.
It has been more than 1 week now since we applied and transferred the money. Still, no call from them to install even though they promised to expedite. The issue is that my family has no internet except over 4G. Let's hope they install it very soon.
xterm & squadi, did they install the service or not yet? There installation service is very slow.
Not yet. Honestly with the way Lebanese companies are, I expect it in a month.
I routed the internet through personal VPS. Upload issue is "fixed". It's not symmetrical but 10+mbps.
@ahk40a they just called me, said that tomorrow they will be here to install it
squadi wrote@ahk40a they just called me, said that tomorrow they will be here to install it
Hello Bro, can you please share with me, in a private message, the contact details of the installer? They told us that this week they are fully booked, and they might install for us next week. This is crazy.

Hopefully, mabrouk salaf.
what is the latency you guys get from this service inside of lebanon? Most of the picture submitted here are using vpns
RandomMemory wroteI routed the internet through personal VPS. Upload issue is "fixed". It's not symmetrical but 10+mbps.
I see the same results on my network, with vpn connected everything is fine and I get 25Mbps up and down, but without a vpn the download speed is very inconsistent and the upload is abysmal
nosense wrote
RandomMemory wroteI routed the internet through personal VPS. Upload issue is "fixed". It's not symmetrical but 10+mbps.
I see the same results on my network, with vpn connected everything is fine and I get 25Mbps up and down, but without a vpn the download speed is very inconsistent and the upload is abysmal

Well local isp do sometime limit speedtest servers. What i recommend for you to do is actually go to sodetels website /troubleshoot/speedtest and try to download one of their local files. I am not with sodetel. But they give me the right download speed of my line
fadijm wrote
nosense wrote
RandomMemory wroteI routed the internet through personal VPS. Upload issue is "fixed". It's not symmetrical but 10+mbps.
I see the same results on my network, with vpn connected everything is fine and I get 25Mbps up and down, but without a vpn the download speed is very inconsistent and the upload is abysmal

Well local isp do sometime limit speedtest servers. What i recommend for you to do is actually go to sodetels website /troubleshoot/speedtest and try to download one of their local files. I am not with sodetel. But they give me the right download speed of my line
I am not using speedtest, I use direct download/upload to servers as my test.
Finally, they came and installed. We received 11Mbps download and 8.2Mbps as upload on Netflix fast test. Weirdly, the technician came with no router claiming that we didn’t request one.

Unfortunately, during the installation a glass rail was shattered to pieces.
They don't install a router for you. You have to request one. Also for the upload, do subsequent tests on and you will see it will throttle.
Im not complaining, but I seem to be getting around 45mbps symmetrical.

FluxBB bbcode test

note I requested 12mbps
You have to stop speedtesting on a Lebanese IP. Use a VPN and speedtest 2-3 times you'll see upload throttle. Show me an upload to Microsoft teams or an ftp server
@Space ping is usually 62 when playing League of Legends and 58 when playing Valorant. Haven't tried other games yet. Although at certain times, especially at night, ping was very unstable. I'll be calling them tomorrow

@RandomMemory I don't have a paid VPN, so I used Windscribe's free tier and I was getting around 13mbps upload on Speedtest. Wetransfer without VPN, the upload speed was ranging between 15mbps and 35mbps. Microsoft teams without VPN was around 35mbps average, with VPN (again this is the free tier), I was getting around 7mbps
ahk40a wrote
xterm wroteSame here, I submitted the application and in the process of paying. The first thing I asked was whether the connection is symmetrical.
It has been more than 1 week now since we applied and transferred the money. Still, no call from them to install even though they promised to expedite. The issue is that my family has no internet except over 4G. Let's hope they install it very soon.
Not yet, my friend did have his connection installed just today after ~3 weeks.