Since I got a
Windows 10 laptop, I'm finding myself using it more and more and I've been using my Linux desktop less and less. I already copied my documents, pictures, etc... to the laptop.
The only thing lacking in the laptop is the screen estate. At FHD, I have to use 125% size scaling which means no more placing two windows adjacent to each other as I did with the desktop and no longer watching youtube while writing.
The desktop is decent hardware. corei5 6400 with 16GB DDR4 ram, two 1TB disks, and nvidia 1050Ti. It had arch linux (Gnome desktop) but I wiped it out and put Windows. Allow me first to explain something about Arch Linux. It's like a painting that you keep patching, fixing, and redrawing different parts forever. It is truly a personal work of art. No two Arch Linux installations look the same and none even resemble what Arch Linux developers meant it to be. While you learn Linux internals this way, it feels no longer important to me (perhaps I am finally growing up) and hence why I put windows 10 instead. Bare in mind that I referred to Linux in the last statement as a hobby for technology enthusiasts. Linux is and will always be the correct choice for single board devices, networking devices, servers, and many other things. The list is huge. Even Microsoft contributes patches to the Linux kernel (Hyper-v?). Everyone from technology enthusiasts, to IT professionals and software engineers should be fluent in Linux and the opensource ecosystem.
Anyway, I can apparently legally keep updating through Windows insider editions before the 30 day expiration which I guess resets on upgrading from build to build (Correct me if I am wrong). That's one choice.
However, I would like to experiment with something else for a while on the desktop though before settling on something.
My two choices so far are Installing insider version of Windows 10 and keep updating it forever or some LTS version of Linux the requires minimal maintenence on my part. Another thought that comes to mind. I've used Gnome forever. I would like to try KDE again. Any recommendations for a polished KDE centric distribution? By polished, I mean something that resembles RHEL's Gnome desktop but with KDE.
How about other operating systems? Can anyone suggests something that can at last run my hardware? I'm open to suggestions. I can even review operating systems and report back results if anyone is interested.