Hello i just turned 18 and i want to search for a job so i can help my parents with my university fees and have some money for myself. I have no experience at all and i have no idea where should i start searching for a job. Can anyone here help me with some suggestions? It would be highly appreciated!
Where to search for a job?
If this is to offset tuition fees, check if the university you are applying to offers student employment as a form of financial aid.
i did and they said that they will call me whenever they need me to work there.VincentKeyboard wroteIf this is to offset tuition fees, check if the university you are applying to offers student employment as a form of financial aid.
I suggest waiter, barman, etc.
It will develop your social skills and it should be possible to do this during your studies. If you manage to work on busy days then you can also do good money with tips.
That is assuming that you have a little interest in doing it. Some persons just have zero interest and will to do such jobs. If this is the case then feel free to pass this idea.
It will develop your social skills and it should be possible to do this during your studies. If you manage to work on busy days then you can also do good money with tips.
That is assuming that you have a little interest in doing it. Some persons just have zero interest and will to do such jobs. If this is the case then feel free to pass this idea.
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i second Rolf, waiter / barman in bars is the most compatible with studies, since it will require you to work mostly from 6 to 12. depending on the region you live / work in, it might pay better than other places.
try to work for bars, not restaurants, as the tips are better and you might meet interesting people / actually have a conversation with someone once in a while.
also most bars have 2-3 servers to cover for one working shift, which allows them to pay per day, and accommodate when one of the server has finals or midterms and can't come in, so it's not because there's a waiter in that specific bar that you can't ask to meet the manager for a position.
some of the waitress i used to work with, when working every shift they could, would manage to make up to 900$ (400 - 500 fixed, 300-400 tips) which honestly, is great money when you're a student.
but please, be clean, social, and wear a smile on your face, no one wants to recruit a depressed waiter with a "laisser aller" look and a 3 weeks old messy beard. And yes, i said to wear a smile because sometimes you won't feel like it, but still will have to smile to clients and be friendly.
I have a good position/salary in a good company with a career prospect, but twice a week, i go to my go-to bar just to waiter a bit because i miss it, i miss the random interactions and the people you meet.
try to work for bars, not restaurants, as the tips are better and you might meet interesting people / actually have a conversation with someone once in a while.
also most bars have 2-3 servers to cover for one working shift, which allows them to pay per day, and accommodate when one of the server has finals or midterms and can't come in, so it's not because there's a waiter in that specific bar that you can't ask to meet the manager for a position.
some of the waitress i used to work with, when working every shift they could, would manage to make up to 900$ (400 - 500 fixed, 300-400 tips) which honestly, is great money when you're a student.
but please, be clean, social, and wear a smile on your face, no one wants to recruit a depressed waiter with a "laisser aller" look and a 3 weeks old messy beard. And yes, i said to wear a smile because sometimes you won't feel like it, but still will have to smile to clients and be friendly.
I have a good position/salary in a good company with a career prospect, but twice a week, i go to my go-to bar just to waiter a bit because i miss it, i miss the random interactions and the people you meet.
Alright then. Do you have any suggestions which restaurants or bars should i go first to amd apply there?
What will you be majoring in? Being a waiter/bartender sure does get you momentary income, but I wouldn't invest a lot of time in something that won't be healthy for your own self education (unless you lack social skills or major in something around starting your own restaurant). If you're majoring in computer science for example, look for a junior IT position, fix some PCs, build connections that will help you in the future. People tend to trust students more than business owners, and right now is the perfect time to start working in your future field.
I am actually majoring in CS but when employers hear i have 0 experience they just dont want me to work there. And thats why i am searching to work in any place right now so i can save some money to university and keep some for myself.Johnaudi wroteWhat will you be majoring in? Being a waiter/bartender sure does get you momentary income, but I wouldn't invest a lot of time in something that won't be healthy for your own self education (unless you lack social skills or major in something around starting your own restaurant). If you're majoring in computer science for example, look for a junior IT position, fix some PCs, build connections that will help you in the future. People tend to trust students more than business owners, and right now is the perfect time to start working in your future field.
If you keep that mindset you'll never have any experience in the IT field but in the restaurants/bar one. You could always request an internship for training so you can start a better paid job in that specific field as well.
Working in your domain is better in the long run. Fixing/building PCs (if you can work mornings), or gaming cafe IT.
You can make a ton tutoring for little hours, maybe once you are in your second year you can tutor first year. Also before official terminal exams.
You can make a ton tutoring for little hours, maybe once you are in your second year you can tutor first year. Also before official terminal exams.
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Gee I wonder where you got all these negative ideas.
I know one person who did work in a bar when he was studying, and now he has a high position in finance and lives in Hong Kong.
I know one person who did work in a bar when he was studying, and now he has a high position in finance and lives in Hong Kong.
I'm not saying that won't happen, but working in a field related to your studies will A. help you within your studies because of experience and B. something to be proud of in a CV. Plus you can't get to work in the finance industry unless you've received your diploma, hence being a bartender was a good choice.rolf wroteGee I wonder where you got all these negative ideas.
I know one person who did work in a bar when he was studying, and now he has a high position in finance and lives in Hong Kong.
I heard today on the radio about an american grant for students wanting to continue their studies in aub & lau they supposedly provide help in tuition as well as monthly pocket money. There's more information on the websites of these universities.
Also getting a job as waiter/bartender etc is a good idea I have a bunch of friends who paid there university fees using the tips money. However you need to be vigilant not to get sucked in the night life/ ditching uni for the money as it happened to others. Good luck bruh
Also getting a job as waiter/bartender etc is a good idea I have a bunch of friends who paid there university fees using the tips money. However you need to be vigilant not to get sucked in the night life/ ditching uni for the money as it happened to others. Good luck bruh
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That's definitely a risk, but in most bar, when there's not a lot of people (before 8:30 mostly), i used to just pop up my laptop and start working on my studies, a bit like all these Starbucks goers.chosen2k wrote. However you need to be vigilant not to get sucked in the night life/ ditching uni for the money as it happened to others. Good luck bruh
i'll be a bit bland and go against what most people are saying here, but out of experience in real life, my CV only got me through the door of interviews, however this is my social skills, specifically my character and ability to understand / manipulate the interviewer that landed me the jobs.
so even though it's not prestigious, your social skills is as important (if not more) than your technical skills. All in all you need both to move up the food chain.
you previously mentioned that recruiters always mentioned that you needed experience, but maybe you failed to convince them that you were the person for the job and that you were enthusiast to get the position, in which case they told you that your lack of experience is the deciding factor to smooth the answer, while it really was that you did not convince them.
i'm not saying that this is what happened specifically with you, but this happens a lot.
also, and this is a polemic topic, don't hesitate to bend a bit your CV : you did 3 days cleaning up a beach front with an NGO ? turn it into "volunteer coordinator with NGO on the project X".
again all i'm saying is that your CV gets you through the door, but only yourself can get you the job. if you think that you're the right person for a position, do everything you can to have the opportunity to show it to the recruiter.
@Cage, I just thought of something for you. Look for book stores close to your university and ask if they have vacancies for part time employees.
Thanks for all the advice guys
a month later
@Cage which area are you in in Leb ? There's a chance I might be able to help you with a water/barman job.
ex bar manager here
1- you cannot start as a bartender/barman directly - bartending is more than just recipes and blending
2- you can start as a barback ( a bus boy for bars ) this way you will learn about the trade while doing it - eventually you will be told to open and close the bar giving you time to practice
3-you cannot also start as a waiter in a prestigious restaurant ( maybe you can in a regular restaurant ) - you will have to start as a bus boy : work is tiring but the waiter you are bussing for should give you a share of his tips ( 5 or 10% )
my advise : waiters are always needed , you can find vacancines everywhere like in Hirelebanese.com or other websites
bartending is cooler though , more interaction with people , more "fun" , etc but it requires more training
if you just want some summer cash , go for the waiter ..if you want a decent job for a long time , go for the bartender
1- you cannot start as a bartender/barman directly - bartending is more than just recipes and blending
2- you can start as a barback ( a bus boy for bars ) this way you will learn about the trade while doing it - eventually you will be told to open and close the bar giving you time to practice
3-you cannot also start as a waiter in a prestigious restaurant ( maybe you can in a regular restaurant ) - you will have to start as a bus boy : work is tiring but the waiter you are bussing for should give you a share of his tips ( 5 or 10% )
my advise : waiters are always needed , you can find vacancines everywhere like in Hirelebanese.com or other websites
bartending is cooler though , more interaction with people , more "fun" , etc but it requires more training
if you just want some summer cash , go for the waiter ..if you want a decent job for a long time , go for the bartender