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  • What do CCE or CE graduates work in Lebanon?

Hello guys i am studying CCE here and lately i have been hearing that CCE students have no future in Lebanon that employers wouldn't even hire a CCE and would prefer a CS student if the job's about programming. Is what i am hearing right? I am very worried about this and i am considering changing my major to CS because of what i am hearing. So i am asking if there are any CCE students here working something inside their field of study. Note that i am planning on moving to Canada as soon as possible even if i don't complete my Masters here(i cannot afford tuition fees in Canada as i heard they may cost me 20k$ excluding living costs). If you have any info about i would appreciate sharing it here.
Cage wroteHello guys i am studying CCE here and lately i have been hearing that CCE students have no future in Lebanon that employers wouldn't even hire a CCE and would prefer a CS student if the job's about programming. Is what i am hearing right? I am very worried about this and i am considering changing my major to CS because of what i am hearing. So i am asking if there are any CCE students here working something inside their field of study. Note that i am planning on moving to Canada as soon as possible even if i don't complete my Masters here(i cannot afford tuition fees in Canada as i heard they may cost me 20k$ excluding living costs). If you have any info about i would appreciate sharing it here.

Change before it's too late. ECE grad. here. ( not sure. what's CCE anyway, there is no such major in the US as far as I know )
What is the purpose of this thread? The other one is asking exactly the same.
I understand your fear, it's normal at this point of your "career".

I suppose you kinda answer yourself anyway. Why would you move on with a career that you are so unsure about? Google telecom engineers and see what they do. The majority are researchers here and there, because as I told you, the field is too low level to be directed at consumers markets (e.g. companies you would work for). How many telecom companies do you know? I bet you can count them by hand... I can count you like 5 off the top of my head: huwaei, siemens, nokia, intel, qualcom. I'd need 3 more hands to count you the number of software companies I've worked for or collaborated with...

At this point I'll stop giving you hints and answer you like Kareem: if you are looking for a field where you would find a job and make a living, then change your major! You don't have to stray far from CCE:
- Software engineer (or computer science, feel free to ask me what are the differences)
- Multi-media engineer
- Systems Engineer (or what we'd call the IT guy)

If you're looking for a career as a researcher/PhD, then go ahead, do CCE. But then excpect to have to continue on studying for masters and PhD. It is what all my CCE friends ended up doing (willingly though, they knew it from the beginning...nerds)

Just look at the market, do you see any drop in the demand for software anytime soon? Do you see the rise in the demand for innovating antennas and telecom medias anytime soon? (well maybe by NASA...)

PS: These are my advice. I speak from my own experience, and from observation. Please don't come at me with a list of telecom companies you've just googled and such (you know who you are!)
vlatkozelka wroteWhat is the purpose of this thread? The other one is asking exactly the same.
I understand your fear, it's normal at this point of your "career".

I suppose you kinda answer yourself anyway. Why would you move on with a career that you are so unsure about? Google telecom engineers and see what they do. The majority are researchers here and there, because as I told you, the field is too low level to be directed at consumers markets (e.g. companies you would work for). How many telecom companies do you know? I bet you can count them by hand... I can count you like 5 off the top of my head: huwaei, siemens, nokia, intel, qualcom. I'd need 3 more hands to count you the number of software companies I've worked for or collaborated with...

At this point I'll stop giving you hints and answer you like Kareem: if you are looking for a field where you would find a job and make a living, then change your major! You don't have to stray far from CCE:
- Software engineer (or computer science, feel free to ask me what are the differences)
- Multi-media engineer
- Systems Engineer (or what we'd call the IT guy)

If you're looking for a career as a researcher/PhD, then go ahead, do CCE. But then excpect to have to continue on studying for masters and PhD. It is what all my CCE friends ended up doing (willingly though, they knew it from the beginning...nerds)

Just look at the market, do you see any drop in the demand for software anytime soon? Do you see the rise in the demand for innovating antennas and telecom medias anytime soon? (well maybe by NASA...)

PS: These are my advice. I speak from my own experience, and from observation. Please don't come at me with a list of telecom companies you've just googled and such (you know who you are!)
Hello there,well i am sorry for creating another thread for this and i am happy you understand my fear for my future career and i guess every lebanese feels the same for some time in their life when thinking about their future. I would like to ask you too about the difference between software engineering and software development cause they SE just seems like another name for CE for me. I just want to say that its not like i am not happy with what i am studying right now but i still dont want to graduate and have no job to do. Thanks
I think you mean software engineering and computer science, cause those are the available majors mostly.

Anyway, software development is only one part of software engineering. It's the part where you actually build the software (code, debug, etc...). Engineering is a bigger process: asess the problem, talk to clients, find solutions, assemble a team, put rules, pick a methodology, etc...

Now the difference between software engineering and computer science, at least in Lebanon, is this:

- Computer science will focus mostly on, well... computers. You will learn everything about how a computer works, and how to program it in many languages, and go into detail about many programming techniques and concepts like AI, DB administration, etc...

- Software engineering will focus on the same things in the first 2.5 years. You will learn how to program, but will need to carry onto details later yourself. It includes an introduction to what I mentioned about CS, but nothing too detailed. Because the courses will also include management, design, and courses that are aimed at managing a software project from start to finish, rather than just developing it.

From experience, both kind of graduates I've worked with seem able to get the job done. Engineering students however tend to be more "flexible", as in able to digest newer problems easier, rather than apply a set of solutions they already know.
Of course I'm not bashing CS graduates, they really know their stuff well (remember they study lower level computer science).

I personally chose engineering because we're in Lebanon, and such a degree is more appreciated. But, I would say the difference in a real job is negligible. Tbh it's a matter of character, if you aim to become better at work, you can do it regardless of what degree you got. One of our tech leads is an MIS student! As in one that learns how to fill up Excel sheets in a smart way... Didn't stop him from evolving you see.

Conclusion: University will teach you a small part, it's just a transition to work in a way. Pick a good major, with a market available for it, and don't stress it too much.
As vlatkozelka eloquently explained go with the engineering major.