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  • Electric Generator Meter (عدّاد) fraud

well since the Eshitrak guy has installed meters recently, i started monitoring the usage, and i noticed there's something weird .
i wanted to double check my calculation. and check if anyone else is experiencing the same thing.

we have 10 Amps.
With 220v (a bit less, but just to keep calculation easier)

based on W = A x V
i can consume up to 2200W at any certain time. right?

well 2200W is equals to 4.4kWh per Hour! (as E(kWh) = P(W) × t(hr) / 1000). so at max i can consume 4.4 kWh per hour.

if that is Valid, how is it possible that i consumed 16kWh in 2 hrs ?! or am i missing something ?
Well if you are consuming the whole 10A the consumed power should be 2.2kwh in 2 hours you will consume 4.4 kwh.
The watt meter measure the p= vi, so the watt meter should be increased by 4.4kwh not 16kwh.
Did you measure how many Amps you are drawing, I have a white 10 Amps interrupter that could draw around 14 amps before it cuts the power, anyway it will still not reach the amount you measured, I suggest you monitor it after cutting the power from your house, you could have someone stealing power from your line, if not you can report such things to the ministry of economy
well after further investigation, i realized that the first digit on the right is the decimal number, so the consumption has added 1.6kWh and not 16! that's a more logical amount.

thank you for your input! cheers.