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  • Tips For Hopefully Studying Quantum Computing

Hey, before I start I know that the premise of this topic has been asked a ton of times before, but bear on with me, and since everyone I ask discourages me and/or tells me to just study a medicine to become doctor X or a nurse...I seak guidance from people who actually understand the subject.

I have a dream of studying quantum computing, I intend to study CS in LU as a major and math as a minor, and I want to have also a physics degree which I can take some of its courses during the summer in a private university(LIU or BAU...).

And since there is no University in Lebanon that teaches QC (that at least I know of), I will have to do it aboard.
1) Will I be able to actually succeed with both major and a minor in LU at the same time?
2) Is it possible to study physics during the summers and can I pull of the two degrees in 5 years?
3) And will all of these degrees help me in landing a good grad school aboard and there after a job there in QC ( which of course impossible to find in here)?

I know that these are huge academic dreams, but will I possibly be able to do or am I just wasting my time and energy...
Good luck!
If you want to register in an university abroad, I think you should check the requirement of the different universities you might apply to.
Can you maybe per experience tell me if taking a math minor with CS in the LU be possible(being abl to pass the semesters), because of the very tight schedule of the LU?
I'm double majoring in Electromechanical Engineering at ESIB - USJ and CS in LU. I'd like to note that LU is not tight at all with its schedules and you are not obligated to be present in any class. Having passed the first two years in both universities so far (whilst only attending USJ classes), I can conclude that LUs exams and correction is by far easier and more easy going respectively. Most of the exams are a copy from last year's session with a small change, and some of them no change at all. LU helps you if you're in need, whereas when I told the USJ direction that I was in need of any kind of help due to my double majoring they responded with "nobody forced you to take two majors at once".

There was a law where you cannot take two majors in the same university made by the LU itself, but it has been discarded as far as I know. There's no such thing as a minor in LU (FSII).

Quantum computing is a beautiful sector of programming which still hasn't discovered its full potential. You can go through several roads to fulfill your goal, I suggest one of the following:

1. Computer Engineering at Roumieh/USJ Concours. (They follow the sup/spé concours which is Mathématiques Superieur and Mathématiques Spécial, they teach you quantum physics and if you're an elite you are able to travel to the Polytecnique de France - these first two years have plenty of physics in them including mechanics, thermodynamics, magnetism, electricity in a detailed matter)

2. Double Major: Computer Science - Physics

3. English system university: Computer Science with Physics as a minor. (Unless you're interested in the hardware, do the inverse)

In all cases, your masters must be labeled for quantum computing, and hopefully your PhD as well.

Note: I highly discourage you to take private courses in the summer for physics/math, unless you'd like to memorize formulas and spit them out on the exam sheet, I suggest you follow an actual course where they teach you everything from the most basic to what you're actually looking for. And pick your university wisely, it's your professors that will let you either hate the subject or love it.

Just wanted to remind you that everything is easier said than done, I never expected these majors to take up that much from my time, sleepless nights etc... I have a great programming base ever since I was 13 and I had fallen for the trap of thinking CS was mainly programming, it is not. It's a theory, it's more abstract and mathematical than simple programming, they teach you beautiful ways to approach problems that you didn't know they existed. If you're passionate about math and logic, you're going to love your field.

Nevertheless I admire the way you're pursuing your dreams rather than the crowd, and I believe that's the only way one can be successful in such an era.

Those are my 2 cents, good luck!
Thanks very much for your reply, it cleared out so many things for me. I'm gonna do as you advised me and go the double major route, but gonna do only CS in the first year since it seems the most math packed year, and the other cs courses seem to me at least easier for me.