Rassi Hello, Just registered. Been working on a tough project for years now. Maybe 4 years Mostly learning coding, electronics, embedded. Among other areas I might say. Wondering recently if I better cooperate with smarter and more experienced people. Discovered this site by pure sheer luck one hour ago.
Rassi I am pursuing ways to extract neuro signals and transmit receive trans cutaneously. Data and power. So far what i find missing is anyone with experience with any project related to this, even remotely, here in Lebanon. Someone who knows someone who knows someone? Thanks in advance <admin edit: fixed punctuation>
Rassi Hello forum, again. Since my sos went like tumbleweed, I reiterate and modify my call for help. Any one ( electronics geek, micro controller programmer geek, more precisely) interested in an amazing project ?( amazing meaning beautiful but working only for food ?).
HassanKanj Hello @Rassi, I am a programmer, but I have been working with electronics, 3D printing,... for some time now. Let's meet to discuss what you are working on, however please keep in mind that I am currently working on different things so most probably I won't be able to help you much with your project, but still, we can share ideas and I also know someone who might be able to help you.
Rassi @hassankanj Fair enough. And thank you for your interest. I will send you a private message if you don't mind.
HassanKanj sure, I don't mind at all. Rassi wrote@hassankanj Fair enough. And thank you for your interest. I will send you a private message if you don't mind.
mesa177 1) welcome aboard Hassan!! I'm sure a naturally gifted maker like you will find this forum as a safe haven. I hereby vouch for Hassan's abilities seeing that I've seen his work first hand :) 2) @Rassi, sorry for the late reply but I've only seen this post now. for next time's sake, please pose your question in a separate topic so we can find it more easily. having said that, Hassan did mention your project to me. we'll hopefully meet/skype soon do discuss this matter further. coming from a background of biomedical engineering and with hands-on experience with neurosignals, myoelectric signals, and prosthetics, I hope I can help you out in your quest.
mesa177 oh an forgot to say welcome here Rassi!! if you have any questions till then, do feel free to PM me here :)