Hello geeks,

I have a compoatic mini fridge that makes a lot of sound whenever the compressor starts (about twice per 5 minutes).
Honestly it's driving me mad and it literally wakes whoever is sleeping in the room next door.

I've tries to service it twice, every time i hear that "this is normal and i have to get used to it".

So does anyone here knows a good A/C technician capable of replacing the whole compressor unit or find a way to isolate it?

Around Beirut

19 days later
The compressor is a main part of the cooling unit, so you can't isolate it. Replacing it costs just as much as a new unit so wouldn't recommend that.

Hate to break it for you, but the sound you are hearing is indeed normal, especially on Compomatic fridges. They're notorious for their loud compressors. This is coming from my 7 years experience with medicinal fridges and freezers alongside industrial side fridges and freezers. Learned alot about those from my work in hopsitals.

I would give you some advice though that may sound weird but might actually help out. Sometimes the compressor is overworked because the fridge needs defrosting. The noise becomes louder as the compressor tries to reach the preset temperature on the thermostat (that knob you turn to control the cooling level) because the motor on the compressor works harder. So switch off you fridge for 48hours (place a thick piece of cloth underneath, there will be enough water to cause a flood). Then switch it back on and observe of there's any difference. The age of the fridge also affects the operation of the compressor (especially when not defrosted regularly).
In addition to other advice, maybe look into sound insulating the door?
I'm guessing Campomatic (nobody got the spelling right). These are usually cheap units. You don't want to invest too much time to fix or improve a cheap unit. Maybe get another fridge? You might be able to sell that one to someone who cares less about it being noisy.

I don't know if someone else can give you better advice. Like maybe some substance that you can inject in the cooling system to reduce the problem, for example. But I have no experience with fridges.

Hoping this is helpful and good luck.
try setting it to a higher temperature so it doesnt have to work as hard.
Thanks for the advice guys.

Well, all of you are right, yes it's a campomatic, and yes it's a relatively cheap fridge. However even at the lowest settings (higher temperature), the sound is unbearable.
The compressor just produces an unacceptable level of noise, noting that the temperature selected modifies the frequency of times that the compressor starts, instead of how hard it works.

On a side note, it's a gift from someone close so i don't really see myself switching it for a "better" model, I'm willing to go the long way on this one.

The fridge itself is well insulated, however the compressor is not, it's accessible directly from the back and makes me think about those completely wasted mobilette, without the front cover where you can see all the cables going from the "direction" to the engine.
Was it that loud when it was new? If not, then maybe there is some hope.
Maybe you could mount the compressor on rubber mounts to isolate the vibration, for example, if the sound is due to vibration.