• Hardware
  • Arduino Due gsm/gprs shield in lebanon

I am working on a project that needs to be connected to the internet at all times without using the client's WI-FI router (to avoid data tampering). so i decided to use a data sim from alfa for that.
I am using Arduino Due (because i need the higher resolution of pwm and adc). However considering that Due works on 3.3v rather than 5v i could only find 5v shield on ekt2 site

where can i find such a shield in lebanon?

If not available in lebanon, i do not mind buying from aliexpress or such sites, please post links if you find something.
a month later
I would recommend trying the SIM800L shield since it has been known to be used alongside Arduino Pro Micro 3.3V and Arduino Pro Mini 3.3V. You can find it at EKT or CNC Lab, though I would recommend buying the one at CNC Lab because Katranji has had some problems with their shields and Arduino boards (even the original models, this is based on my experience).

So things you need to keep in mind though:
1) DON'T power the shield from the Arduino board, use an external power source for that:

2) Sim card's angled corner should be facing outside when inserted into the shield

If you still have any questions or need help, drop me a PM or pass by next Wednesday between 7:30pm and 10pm for Build Night at Lamba Labs Beirut Hackerspace. You can even email me at contact@lambalabs.com.

Happy building!!