That thing is ugly. This is what I imagine OSX 1 would have looked like if it was developed by a team of alcoholic programmers.Gamer wrote
Red Star OS is the Best OS in World
Macs are too expensive, Windows sucks and Linux is immature
try Archlinux
Before testing linux mint and settle down as my server os, i used to test several os's from there are many modded distros that are very useful but it differs from one person to another.
That's why there's community for Hackintosh.
Installing Mac OS X on any laptop.
Installing Mac OS X on any laptop.
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I never used Arch but it has been around for a while and the documentation is good, it is often used as reference for particular tasks.tmash2 wroteArch would be considered the most immature distro in this topic, far from stable/reliable.Hackour wrotetry Archlinux
As far as I understand, Arch is basically DIY and plans to stay this way, so it is as unstable as you make it, since you are basically doing most of the work putting it together.
I did try to set it up once but did not get very far.
It is tempting to try again but I don't see myself using it, I think it will take too much time to get running.
Arch is as stable and reliable as the user wants it to be.tmash2 wroteArch would be considered the most immature distro in this topic, far from stable/reliable.Hackour wrotetry Archlinux
It requires a bit of time to set everything up the way you want, but you end up saving time when it comes to upgrading your system compared to ubuntu and it's derivatives.
If you want the most stable linux distro, then debian is the only right answer.
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9 days later
Here too.Hybrid wroteI can't stand OSX for more than 5 minutes, it annoys the crap out of me. I don't even know how people can use it.
I've been a happy Linux user for several years now. Linux Mint is my favorite Linux desktop.
The animation when you minize
The animation when you fullscreen/maximize (or whatever they call it)
the messed up thumb positioning for control (copy,paste,undo, etc...).
oh did I mention the animation ? it's everywhere: pop ups that explode, windows that shrink and slide ...
Oh and the whole experience where they just give you 4 folders to work with: music,pictures,apps ...
I'm no windows fanboy, I'm obliged to use it cause of gaming, but it's definitely better than OSX. But what it gives in experience it lacks in stability/security... but not too annoying.
I would love to move to linux. Nothing is better than being in control.. but as I said, gaming :/
Might try dual boot, but last time I tried I completely f'ed up XD
Windows Me is amazing, has USB support aso, I suggest that, good luck
Why not try building a hackintosh? i know it's against apple's rules but it might work just great for you if you really like mac and don't want to pay for one!