AVOlio wrote
Kareem wrote
Ironically Libazon is selling the subwoofer for 4.7 millions LBP which is almost the price of the shipping excluding VAT, customs and the subwoofer itself.
You should have went for it then.

I'll wait for your TV to arrive and then I'll make my final conclusion.
TheIlluminative wrote
m0ei wroteGood thing I didn't order from them. Something was still fishy even after Tech Guru preached them.
And the funny thing Tech Guru just vanished from this thread. What a guy!

Frankly I cannot do the communication part on your behalf with them. I am just following up with my order, and raised by voice loud.

I have 18 items now being processed at the airport , one canceled ( the seller didn't send the item to the UK office I will be refunded next week) Two items are delayed , they switch for me the seller. Simply , if you are annoyed from waiting drop them a refund request. From the 1st day I ordered from them , I have two things in my conscious:

1- To expect delays ( due to corona lockdowns decreasing shipments logistics). This has been applicable from orders I previously set with shipped.io and amazon directly through shopandship.

2- To expect none reliable Ebay sellers with some items being not delivered or delayed to be delivered. I face that with amazon sellers too. Any offsore orders , I am susceptible to that.

@karim if you are paying USD just buy it locally there is a good selection here, why would anyone order a subwoofer from the US and bare 430$ shipping is it that important do subwoofers make u money
DNA wrote@karim if you are paying USD just buy it locally there is a good selection here, why would anyone order a subwoofer from the US and bare 430$ shipping is it that important do subwoofers make u money
Because this brand specifically isn't available in Lebanon. I contacted B&W dealer in LB as well as an alternative but they asked for USD because they aren't importing.

Not to mention that I'm also buying appliances as I'm furnishing my apartment and literally everyone is asking for USD.

We're paying our food in LBP but at the blackmarket exchange rate unfortunately.

The only positive thing is that we're now paying VAT and customs in LBP @ 1515/USD
at the rate of this down spiral it is better not to purchase anything that you really need like medecine , food , etc
Libazon looks extremely shady .. and now their guy here is telling you to ask for a refund aka losing 100% of your money worth
duke-of-bytes wroteat the rate of this down spiral it is better not to purchase anything that you really need like medecine , food , etc
Libazon looks extremely shady .. and now their guy here is telling you to ask for a refund aka losing 100% of your money worth

Their "Guy Here" , sorry that is an insult. I have an order pending like others and following it up. If you have a suspicious personality never order from outside , from them or others. On the otherhand , giving a generalization of the dollar rate following down is wrong. We know this old physiological trap of lowering the rate to suck dollars from here and there , then suddenly the black market will hike. Also , how asking refund will make lose , the purchase rate was much lower and never match to real black market rate if you purchase the same item from here.

Finally , I am who lunched a comprehensive due due diligence about their business activties and was very skeptical. Go back to the initial posts of the thread. Stop throwing insults here and there , if you have a suspecious personality , which I do have , you can apply thousand indirect way and use your govenment connections to know if a business module is genuine or not.
duke-of-bytes wroteat the rate of this down spiral it is better not to purchase anything that you really need like medecine , food , etc
Libazon looks extremely shady .. and now their guy here is telling you to ask for a refund aka losing 100% of your money worth
You may be right, i am only paying small amounts of money (around 150 000 LBP) and i don't need the item in the near future.
As for the first experience with libazon, they delivered what i ordered at the right time
5 days later
I ordered a Garmin forerunner (for 1,500,000 LBP) watch back on the 28th of May 2020 and the delivery date was set to 17/7/2020. When I contacted them concerning the item they said you will be notified through the app. the app showed PRODUCT RECEIVED for 2 weeks now
yesterday I contacted them via WhatsApp asking them to confirm that I will be getting my watch on time, they said the delivery date was postponed till the end of the month.
I will keep you posted on any updates
Hello. I have placed today my second order (payment done via OMT). I have ordered car oil. Let's see when they will deliver
I contacted them today via Whatsapp and asked about the status of my order which was supposed to arrive last week and got this

Delays are happening due to logistics uncertainties,
Once your items are recieved at our office and ready to be delivered to your address you will be notified,

Another non answer--always expect these in this country.
Hey guys i might have some useful input on Libazon.

I was told about it from a friend who's uncle ordered some office phones and cameras and he ordered tires for his sister's car.
So i was skeptical but i figured i'll take a chance. So i ordered an item for around 950,000 LL. (on June 10)
the order was supposed to be delivered on the 17th. Then i received an email 2 days ago that says the order will be received on the 20th of June.
Today the order status went from N/A to "Product Received"
Of course i was alarmed coz i didn't receive anything. So i called their mobile number and it was CLOSED all day. So i was more freaked out. Then i reached out by WhatsApp and they were Online. I wrote my concern and no one replied till 6 hours later and said "Order Received" means that THEY received it at their London office.
I was gonna order some more stuff but i am gonna wait till i receive my item, although i did notice their prices are increasing more each week but still at their exchange rate it's still a bargain.

UPDATE: i got a reply that the item should arrive by the end of the month. Moreover i got a call back after expressing some concerns.
The management staff seem very nice but very busy. They assured me if you buy a used item, you will receive that exact item. If you buy a new item, they will get the item from the best possible source. Also, if you receive an item that is not authentic or not as described you can return it.

With all this information and the actual receipt of many items by my trusted friend, i can assure you you may have to be patient until your item arrives, but it is a SMALL price to pay compared to what you are saving in cash.

I will update further once I receive my item.

UPDATE: i finally got the item today by the Libazon delivery guy not aramex. They had issues on the way so they arrived at 1 AM . Yes 1 AM not PM. But i got the full size 88 key MDI Controller.
It was worth the wait!
aboutarek wroteHello. I have placed today my second order (payment done via OMT). I have ordered car oil. Let's see when they will deliver
I received a call from Libazon: they don't deliver car oil. They proposed a voucher or a refund, i chose the refund
aboutarek wrote
aboutarek wroteHello. I have placed today my second order (payment done via OMT). I have ordered car oil. Let's see when they will deliver
I received a call from Libazon: they don't deliver car oil. They proposed a voucher or a refund, i chose the refund
It's better to contact them before placing an order. You save time and money.
4 days later

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
Tech Guru wroteUpdate:

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
Without joking, they should hire you as their PR. You could write their press releases, newsletters, etc..
TheIlluminative wrote
Tech Guru wroteUpdate:

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
Without joking, they should hire you as their PR. You could write their press releases, newsletters, etc..

Why , for being fair in my assessment of their service.

I am the 1st member who lunched a full due diligence about their business activities here. A person who have a senior governmental post utilizing my whole connections to see if their business module is genuine or another scam. You can flashback to the initial inputs of this post , to see my detailed input. On the flip side , I put my input straight to the point , aka : what is happening to me in the practicle sense. If the end result ended to be against their promises , not fullfilling my expections and/or got my hard earned money being stolen , I will definitely sue them.

Your claim is only true , if I popped out suddenly , supporting any services without any supportive evidence and counter scam search .
Tech Guru wroteUpdate:

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
I sort of have a different experience with them---they aren't very responsive through the app or on Whatsapp. This conversation took over 24 hours to complete for example.

[10:51, 7/23/2020] Abid: Sorry to ask again, but can you please give an update my order #xxxx. It was supposed to arrive on the 3rd and 10th of this month and I have other people asking me for updates and I need something to tell them.
[16:17, 7/23/2020] Libazon: sorry for the delay, it will be received in lebanon by the end of the month
[16:21, 7/23/2020] Abid: Received in the office, airport or by me
[15:44, 7/24/2020] Libazon: we have two items you will received next week and the others will arrive to the airport by the end of the month

Take a look at the timestamps, and I didn't get a delivery notice for the items I am supposed to receive next week (hope that changes soon). I hope they can correct how quickly they reply though---busy when I try to call, don't reply on the app or by email, so the only way available is whatsapp and quick it is not.
xazbrat wrote
Tech Guru wroteUpdate:

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
I sort of have a different experience with them---they aren't very responsive through the app or on Whatsapp. This conversation took over 24 hours to complete for example.

[10:51, 7/23/2020] Abid: Sorry to ask again, but can you please give an update my order #xxxx. It was supposed to arrive on the 3rd and 10th of this month and I have other people asking me for updates and I need something to tell them.
[16:17, 7/23/2020] Libazon: sorry for the delay, it will be received in lebanon by the end of the month
[16:21, 7/23/2020] Abid: Received in the office, airport or by me
[15:44, 7/24/2020] Libazon: we have two items you will received next week and the others will arrive to the airport by the end of the month

Take a look at the timestamps, and I didn't get a delivery notice for the items I am supposed to receive next week (hope that changes soon). I hope they can correct how quickly they reply though---busy when I try to call, don't reply on the app or by email, so the only way available is whatsapp and quick it is not.
Indeed ,  they need to reshuffle their whole way of communication with their customers. I pushed very hard with them, and made several fights to let my voice reach. An increase of manpower is a definite advantage to increase efficiency in handling their customer base expansion.  The items delivery status is not always up to date due lack of manpower. Nevertheless ,  I always ask for Aramex tracking number and contact Aramex Lebanese HQ to a better accurate feed of  shipment tracking.
Tech Guru wrote
TheIlluminative wrote
Tech Guru wroteUpdate:

For members who are still skeptical about #
Libazon genuineness, they called me today informing me that my items arrived (18 items out of 23). When they are delivered to my premises , I will upload the photos. Other members also received a delivery notice too.

Most probably , the delay has been caused by orders being exponentially increasing. Shipments are being split into two. Customs usually reject to release one half alone , therefore waiting for the other half to arrive. Further to that , Corona quarantine and lock down slowed down shipments logistics a lot.

Nevertheless , I would rather wait than paying for items here at high black market rates. Libazon prices till now have not been increased comparatively to the June 2020 , the month I ordered my items. They are much lower than local items prices , which has been steadily increasing due to devaluation of the local currency.
Without joking, they should hire you as their PR. You could write their press releases, newsletters, etc..

Why , for being fair in my assessment of their service.

I am the 1st member who lunched a full due diligence about their business activities here. A person who have a senior governmental post utilizing my whole connections to see if their business module is genuine or another scam. You can flashback to the initial inputs of this post , to see my detailed input. On the flip side , I put my input straight to the point , aka : what is happening to me in the practicle sense. If the end result ended to be against their promises , not fullfilling my expections and/or got my hard earned money being stolen , I will definitely sue them.

Your claim is only true , if I popped out suddenly , supporting any services without any supportive evidence and counter scam search .
I didn't mean it in a bad way, quite the opposite.