No I doubt it.
If you buy a new item, you will get a new item.
If you buy used / refurbished, you'll get used /refurbished.

Of course if you get something on a condition that is different than what you asked, you can always return it.

How are you sure they haven't bought your TV from the seller? Have you browsed their transactions on eBay? Maybe talk to the seller himself, explain the situation and ask if they bought from him (for some reason I can't contact any seller on ebay UK).

As for the rate, why you are thinking of the rate of the dollar?
You are paying a rate of 1500.
True that the prices are inflated, but you have to account for the cost of shipment / tax / customs / customs handling etc...
The monitor that I shipped from S&S cost me an extra 500$.
So a 500$ inflation (@ 1500) for a TV is reasonable. Anythimg above that 500$ consider it their profit.

For example take my 55" TV that I ordered.
I paid 2750$ ( at their 1500 rate).
The tv in Lebanon costs 2000$ (only in dollar).
I paid only 2750$ @1500 or 4,120,000 LBP.

Let's assume I could have also bought the tv here at the rate of 1500 as well.
So I paid about 1,120,000 LBP or 750$ more than the price here.
And that is reasonable for shipping a 55" TV, with tax, customs, handling etc... (remember that the fees of a monitor cost me 500$ back in the 1500 rate days).

When Im thinking of shopping from Libazon, I forget about the dollar crisis that were having here.
I see an item, I compare the $ prices of the item in Lebanon (@1500 rate) and on Libazon.
If the difference between them is a reasonable difference for costs of shipping /tax / customs / profit etc.. I will order.
And that's what I did.

Their prices are bit by bit increasing yes.
But here's a trick for you, if you are planning to buying an item from them, put it in your cart, go to the checkout and finalize the order.
Whenever you are ready to pay, you will pay the price of the order you checked out, even though in their website the prices would have increased.
I have exchange in may 500$ in return for 2 000 000 LL at $/4000,now if they decide to refund me now the $ is 10 000. So i would be losing 300$ net. As for why i m sure they haven t ordered is because they haven't assigned a delivery date yet and yes i do the same thing before ordering now i have an outstanding order for around 8000$ that i made before their so called catalogue update and when i asked them if i proceed with the payment she told me Not to pay for it as the items are no longer available.
bobo619 wroteI have exchange in may 500$ in return for 2 000 000 LL at $/4000,now if they decide to refund me now the $ is 10 000. So i would be losing 300$ net. As for why i m sure they haven t ordered is because they haven't assigned a delivery date yet and yes i do the same thing before ordering now i have an outstanding order for around 8000$ that i made before their so called catalogue update and when i asked them if i proceed with the payment she told me Not to pay for it as the items are no longer available.
Ah if you exchanged your dollars then you have a point.
I exchanged a small amount of dollars also to be able to afford this heavy price tag.
But it's weird that they haven't set a delivery date for you, maybe the item was out of stock.
When I paid for my order, I got a delivery date the next day and I saw the seller of the TV in their transactions list on ebay.

Maybe I can try helping you about your TV issue, pm me if you want.
nosense wrotereceived the item

the box is sealed, will post another picture when I have time to unbox it
Thanks for sharing!
bobo619 wroteI have exchange in may 500$ in return for 2 000 000 LL at $/4000,now if they decide to refund me now the $ is 10 000. So i would be losing 300$ net. As for why i m sure they haven t ordered is because they haven't assigned a delivery date yet and yes i do the same thing before ordering now i have an outstanding order for around 8000$ that i made before their so called catalogue update and when i asked them if i proceed with the payment she told me Not to pay for it as the items are no longer available.
AVOlio wrote
bobo619 wroteI have exchange in may 500$ in return for 2 000 000 LL at $/4000,now if they decide to refund me now the $ is 10 000. So i would be losing 300$ net. As for why i m sure they haven t ordered is because they haven't assigned a delivery date yet and yes i do the same thing before ordering now i have an outstanding order for around 8000$ that i made before their so called catalogue update and when i asked them if i proceed with the payment she told me Not to pay for it as the items are no longer available.
I received a call from them today and they tried to make me cancel my order which i refused of course. The guy suggested to me 3 times to cancel in case i am not happy. I personally will not be dealing with them again no matter how tempting their prices are. I thank you for your attempt to help me though it is much appreciated.
bobo619 wrote
AVOlio wrote
bobo619 wroteI have exchange in may 500$ in return for 2 000 000 LL at $/4000,now if they decide to refund me now the $ is 10 000. So i would be losing 300$ net. As for why i m sure they haven t ordered is because they haven't assigned a delivery date yet and yes i do the same thing before ordering now i have an outstanding order for around 8000$ that i made before their so called catalogue update and when i asked them if i proceed with the payment she told me Not to pay for it as the items are no longer available.
I received a call from them today and they tried to make me cancel my order which i refused of course. The guy suggested to me 3 times to cancel in case i am not happy. I personally will not be dealing with them again no matter how tempting their prices are. I thank you for your attempt to help me though it is much appreciated.

Why? Why would they do that? Why is your item?
bobo619 wrote
I received a call from them today and they tried to make me cancel my order which i refused of course. The guy suggested to me 3 times to cancel in case i am not happy. I personally will not be dealing with them again no matter how tempting their prices are. I thank you for your attempt to help me though it is much appreciated.
What was the call about?
Did they just call you to cancel the order and give you a refund?

What did you end up deciding to do? Wait for them to bring you the tv no matter the wait?
AVOlio wrote
bobo619 wrote
I received a call from them today and they tried to make me cancel my order which i refused of course. The guy suggested to me 3 times to cancel in case i am not happy. I personally will not be dealing with them again no matter how tempting their prices are. I thank you for your attempt to help me though it is much appreciated.
What was the call about?
Did they just call you to cancel the order and give you a refund?

What did you end up deciding to do? Wait for them to bring you the tv no matter the wait?
I contacted them yesterday to check up on my order and tbh i mentioned your case anonymously so i don't jeoprodize your order. I told them a friend of mine paid for a tv and received amestimated date of delivery the second while i have made an order 2 and half month ago and still to this day mine is still NA. Today a guy called me from M.Raja's number explaining the usual logistic problems and suggesting many times to cancel the order if i want and when i mentioned your case anonymously he told me that the estimated date is not accurate and he may not receive it as stated. He started saying that he can put an eta on my order if i want and it is not relevant. I politely asked that he look into it and sort it out because if i ask for a refund i loose 300$ on all of this dilemna as explained before. The funny thing is that my tv is out of stock atm on ebay uk and you cannot find it. (this is my order in case you can help me it would be much appreciated)
I don't know if you read the image I posted in my previous post.

Yesterday I found out that they also haven't purchased my TV off of the ebay seller (ao) of the listing that I chose to buy.
I searched in the purchase history of the listing, there were 3 purchased tvs, and none of the buyers names matched Libazon's name and neither did their rating.
So that meant they didn't buy my TV from the seller of eBay that I chose my listing from.

I contacted raja directly and she told me the following.

Raja the owner told me in email, that even though their catalogue is similar to eBay items and mention eBay sellers, they do not always buy the items off of eBay.
She told me for tvs, they buy them off of an electronics wholesaler in UK.
They only buy the small stuff from eBay.

Also this doesn't mean that they will purchase some refurbished stuff and get it to you instead.
I insisted on following up with this question saying, that if I chose to buy an item with a brand new condition.
Since you are telling me that you purchased from a different source, will I still get an item with the same condition or maybe used/refurbished.
She assured me that I will receive a brand new item, and that even sometimes when people order used items, they make it their mission to odder new item and suffer a small loss in order to satisfy the customer.

To be honest I'm surprised they haven't bought your TV yet.
Your order is one month and a few days old.
Or maybe they bought it and the employees here don't know it yet.

I'll pm you now.
2 things are sceptical about them , other than the prices which are not logical , 1- i noticed that their account on last logged in on june 22nd 2020 . 2- the new items on the website are all below 500,000 lbp so you can't find any expensive items anymore . p.s: i have previously made a small order and received it ... but honestly i don't them . especially after reading their manager's reply about not buying items from ebay anymore and looking for other sources ...
AVOlio wroteI don't know if you read the image I posted in my previous post.

Yesterday I found out that they also haven't purchased my TV off of the ebay seller (ao) of the listing that I chose to buy.
I searched in the purchase history of the listing, there were 3 purchased tvs, and none of the buyers names matched Libazon's name and neither did their rating.
So that meant they didn't buy my TV from the seller of eBay that I chose my listing from.

I contacted raja directly and she told me the following.

Raja the owner told me in email, that even though their catalogue is similar to eBay items and mention eBay sellers, they do not always buy the items off of eBay.
She told me for tvs, they buy them off of an electronics wholesaler in UK.
They only buy the small stuff from eBay.

Also this doesn't mean that they will purchase some refurbished stuff and get it to you instead.
I insisted on following up with this question saying, that if I chose to buy an item with a brand new condition.
Since you are telling me that you purchased from a different source, will I still get an item with the same condition or maybe used/refurbished.
She assured me that I will receive a brand new item, and that even sometimes when people order used items, they make it their mission to odder new item and suffer a small loss in order to satisfy the customer.

To be honest I'm surprised they haven't bought your TV yet.
Your order is one month and a few days old.
Or maybe they bought it and the employees here don't know it yet.

I'll pm you now.
The seller i ordered from is one of the biggest electronic retailer in the UK and this tv was released 2 months ago so if he doesn't have i really doubt they could find it with other retailers.
lhmove wrote2 things are sceptical about them , other than the prices which are not logical , 1- i noticed that their account on last logged in on june 22nd 2020 . 2- the new items on the website are all below 500,000 lbp so you can't find any expensive items anymore . p.s: i have previously made a small order and received it ... but honestly i don't them . especially after reading their manager's reply about not buying items from ebay anymore and looking for other sources ...
The reason for that as she told me, is that they are having order difficulties with ebay sellers.
As she mentioned problems like damaged items because of packaging, delays, order cancelations, lead times etc..

Which is why they are outsourcing the big electronics off of eBay.

Here is the photo of her response when I asked about the legitimacy of this wholesaler and quality of his products, and if I will receive a brand new item like I ordered from the other seller.

this is a screenshot of their ebay profile , last visit was june 23rd (i am not allowed to post links , i dont know why). also i noticed something that the feebacks/reviews from sellers only occur on mondays, is it somthing common for all ebay users or for them only
For me personally, I stopped being skeptical with them.
And this is coming from a person who has an order worth of 4,12m.

Things can get erratic and they can make mistakes like with bobo619 because they probably have thousands of orders.
That is not an excuse of course, but let us not judge them by some mistakes.

I will surely update this thread once my TV arrives.
well i have a big order too , up until a week i was totally convinced that they are legitimate , but the last couple of days and reading the last posts here i became sceptical . plus the prices are crazy , lets say an item is listed for 1000 pounds (almost 1200 USD) (10,000,000 LBP black market rate of 8,000 lbp /usd) , they list it on libazon for around 3,500,000 including shiping and customs. can anyone explain that? given that everyone knows that there is capital control so you can only transfer fresh dollars abroad.
They are most probably operating in the uk, their finances are all. In the uk.
So no capital controls there.
Regarding their price, everyone is indeed wondering why and how, but as long as you receive your orders, you don't need to ask, that's what I tell myself.

Just wait out until you receive your order, and then give us your feedback about them.
avolio when is the delivery date for your product?
The delivery date that they put in my order is set on 24th of July.

The owner informed me earlier that she checked, and in the beginning of next week, my TV will reach their warehouse.
Im not sure if she meant uk warehouse or local warehouse here though.