vlatkozelka wroteneither superpowers nor physics ... it's probability
You said "in our village" ... It may just be that your village is rich in water, and he makes use of this
He actually freelances in a lot of places now, and is paid to do it and he has a very high success rate, so regardless of what's written above, he is doing his thing and is growing exponentially now.
I don't see why everyone here is mocking me or him, it was just a question I asked and I don't think it's necessary to have such intentions or approaches while replying. I'm not here to entertain myself with this post, I just asked a question. What's more wrong are the reactions i'm getting rather than the question I'm asking.
There is an explanation out there that may be true or not, and had I read about it before I posted than I wouldn't have brought this post up, it's called "Dowsing" in case anyone is interested.
Thanks, and thank you to those who actually replied with good spirit.