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  • electronics internship in lebanon?

Hello Geeks,

I am studying Computer and Communication Networks Engineering ( CCNE for short ) in IUT Saida in my second year.
I want to do internship in stuff related to electronics (pure electronics or programmable electronics or other types) in summer.
However , my internet search came out with only result (SASCONTROLLERS , jieh) . It is better to have alternatives in case for some reason i was not accepted there.

What are some electronics companies that:
1) has a good work environment.
2) not too far from saida or beirut (i live in a town around saida).
3) focused on creating electronics rather than just reselling/assembling products.

Are there any requirements (like languages or protocols or something) I should be aware of when applying to any of the companies?

Thank you! :)
I would suggest Katranji (EKT, electronics shop in Jnah next to ER gate of Hariri hospital) for the experience in electronics design, but I'm not sure about the work environment. If you can endure the sight of blood and don't mind working around sick patients, I would also suggest finding internships in hospitals and companies that sell medical equipment. Alot of CCE graduates I know ended up working for these kind of institutions because the field of biomedical engineering is a) interesting and b) challenging. Alot of our work revolves around electronic systems, and getting to bond with physicians and medical staff has its perks. Further more, companies who deal with offering smart solutions (fire alarms, security systems , and the likes) deal with electronic system designs.