
So I recently quit Guild Wars 2 in the search of a new MMO and hoped some of you could help me, I have played WoW, Rift, Final Fantasy XIV, Blade and Soul and some others over the past 6 years.

What made me quit GW2 is basically the lack of endgame content that the game offers. I am really into raiding, they added raids recently but I find them lacking.

I played FFXIV for a bit together with GW2 but had to quit due to sheer amount of time investment that the game requires, and with my tight schedule it was pretty hard to keep that up.

Basically this is what I am looking for:
1- No Pay to Win
2- Preferably p2p
3- Fantasy themed
4- No tab targeting combat
5- PVX focused (Although some good pure PVP or pure PVE games will still do it)
6- Mature community
7- Reasonable time investment required to actually "achieve" stuff (ie: Not ala EVE online)
EzikMezik wrote 2- Preferably p2p
You mean f2p ?
xterm wrote
EzikMezik wrote 2- Preferably p2p
You mean f2p ?
Nope, I really mean p2p, in my previous experience p2p games have much better communities, better and more frequent content, and more importantly no in-game cash shops or pay 2 win elements. Everything is fair and square.
Since you are into raiding I would have said go for WoW since they have the best Raiding and it tick all your points but you don't want tab Targeting....idk if Wildstar is still active but you can look into that.
Planetside 2 fits everything except the Fantasy theme part.
Tera (f2p tho), gameplay is solid!
WoW: Legion is out soon. You can wait for that I'm sure it'll take up much of your time and provide some decent if not really good end-game content.
rtwo2008 wrotePlanetside 2 fits everything except the Fantasy theme part.
i'm in love with this game although it's quite a bit pay 2 win
there's nothing in the gaming market quite like it
blade and soul

best pvp game (arena style + bg ) no gear is equalized no pay2win in pvp , pve on the other hand its pretty gear but way 2 much gear dependent , however since i rarely play pve , it's my choice of mmo

and it's f2p check it out if u like

and watch youtube video ( gameplay is the best for mmo )
ManOwaRR wroteblade and soul

best pvp game (arena style + bg ) no gear is equalized no pay2win in pvp , pve on the other hand its pretty gear but way 2 much gear dependent , however since i rarely play pve , it's my choice of mmo

and it's f2p check it out if u like

and watch youtube video ( gameplay is the best for mmo )
From the videos, it looks like an episode of "So you think you can dance".
I guess i'm less inclined towards far-eastern fighting style, than european medieval brute force combat.
But still, the game looks aesthetically nice and has some nice features.
I tried blade and soul back when the russian version released, found that it suffers from the same thing gw2 does, lack of endgame pve content, is this present in the western version as well?
7 days later
What you tried is the private server :)

it's officialy released in na/eu and to answer your questions it's full of pve stuff to do , believe me it will keep you hooked and busy doing stuff
everyone is waiting for black dessert online .. but the game is region locked and the middle east seems out of the equation
Never actually saw someone searching for a new mmo.
Usually when a friend leaves a mmo he's happy he got rid of addiction.
These swallow time.
back to topic: if you don't mean rpgs try world of tanks or planes. There's no pve obviously.
There's a modest mmorpg called tree of savior, you might like it too.
good luck
Anthony2000 wrote
rtwo2008 wrotePlanetside 2 fits everything except the Fantasy theme part.
i'm in love with this game although it's quite a bit pay 2 win
there's nothing in the gaming market quite like it
I disagree. There is nothing you can buy that you can't earn. I love this game too but I have not been able to play lately because of latency. Anyway I played for free for around a year and got really good gear. But only lately I got impatient and wanted a couple of new guns so I paid like 10$(or maybe 15) to save myself a couple of month of grinding. But these guns now will stay on my account forever.

A person can play the game with a pay to play no subscription mentality, dish out 40$ when you first get the game(should get you around 8 good pieces of weapons) and you would pretty much be set.
user wrote
Anthony2000 wrote
rtwo2008 wrotePlanetside 2 fits everything except the Fantasy theme part.
i'm in love with this game although it's quite a bit pay 2 win
there's nothing in the gaming market quite like it
I disagree. There is nothing you can buy that you can't earn. I love this game too but I have not been able to play lately because of latency. Anyway I played for free for around a year and got really good gear. But only lately I got impatient and wanted a couple of new guns so I paid like 10$(or maybe 15) to save myself a couple of month of grinding. But these guns now will stay on my account forever.

A person can play the game with a pay to play no subscription mentality, dish out 40$ when you first get the game(should get you around 8 good pieces of weapons) and you would pretty much be set.
"paid like 10$(or maybe 15) to save myself a couple of month of grinding." exactly what im talking about when i say pay to win (not really complaining tho since the game is free and game developers need food too)
guns are too expensive imo (both in real money and in game currency), have seen worse though
too bad the community is slowly dying, they should either relaunch the game or release a planetside 3 (with the former being more likely)