That's totally oppositing my conclusion, some people are really nice. More precisely, I want memories of my youth of real people, not of walls, graphics or pseudonames...
Don't you agree?
NuclearVision wroteI was thinking about games, and I regret spending lots of time.
I mean if I started learning a language or engaging in society...
I could have had more friends, not that i have many now...
Don't get me wrong, I still open my computer once or twice a week for games. But mass gaming... In some stages I spent 10 hours online. Specially after discovering mmos 3 years ago which i regret most.
I feel stupid...
Bro you should do what makes you happy (maybe gaming wont make you specially "happy" but if you enjoy it I mean). Don't listen to what other say - 'it's a waste of time, 2oum 3mellak shi shaghle btenfa3' - everyone has a different life. Hala2 spending 10 hours straight isn't really good because to start with it's not even healthy I guess! Set your life priorities straight. a new language wont do much for you. But if it's getting in the way of your studies or something that could really contribute to your future, maybe tone down the gaming. There's always time for everything. Life is short but if you manage your time you can get a lot done.