I was thinking about games, and I regret spending lots of time.
I mean if I started learning a language or engaging in society...
I could have had more friends, not that i have many now...
Don't get me wrong, I still open my computer once or twice a week for games. But mass gaming... In some stages I spent 10 hours online. Specially after discovering mmos 3 years ago which i regret most.
I feel stupid...
I think you need to know how to manage your time spending 10 hours on Games is insane

It's good to learn a new language
It's good to go to gym
It's good to socialize
It's good to visit your family
It's good to read a book

you can find more useful stuffs but the important thing to do is spending time on useful things

Best Regards..
dduetto wroteI think you need to know how to manage your time spending 10 hours on Games is insane

It's good to learn a new language
It's good to go to gym
It's good to socialize
It's good to visit your family
It's good to read a book

you can find more useful stuffs but the important thing to do is spending time on useful things

Best Regards..
Believe me the mmo worm is quite addicting, i'm glad i got rid of it.
You can play games with a friend if you have a console. Playing is good but yeah you might be missing on meeting people and other social stuff, or work or other hobbies. Depends really something there's not much else to do.
NuclearVision wroteI was thinking about games, and I regret spending lots of time.
I mean if I started learning a language or engaging in society...
I could have had more friends, not that i have many now...
Don't get me wrong, I still open my computer once or twice a week for games. But mass gaming... In some stages I spent 10 hours online. Specially after discovering mmos 3 years ago which i regret most.
I feel stupid...
Some kids like to go outside, others like to play video games, as a university student, I mass game in the summer especially when it comes to Dota 2, but i also program and code because i love doing so, and during university time gaming hours drop drastically because of assignments, research and because I have to wake up early. But i don't regret anything, as long as you are being productive think about it as a hobby. And if you have a good time, it's the good times that you are going to remember in the end.
@randommemory I used to feel the same,
but that's the point, i never encountered any productivity while playing games, specially in my last school years, i think it is the definition for zero productivity, again i say mass gaming.
Even further, talking about memories, what memories are those, this frightens me most, 10-20 years from now, i won't have memories about real people, but instead vanished or blurry images of pseudonames, of random people you met online, legendary items i was hoping to win, clans. Which isn't frankly the best memory... More like a emotionless memory, no love or hate, just graphics.
Just do what makes you happy, I love playing games and I don't care if I spend 20 hours on my off days playing cause I love it... And I also have friends and go out... so no regrets here!
People tend to associate playing games with less social life but it doesn't have to be this way.
rolf wrotePeople tend to associate playing games with less social life but it doesn't have to be this way.
I've been through it, when you play online games like mmos, you'll have a parallel life, you'll still hangout eventually, but it'll feel weird.
I regret for not finding my social circle that i would love to hang out with. Its very hard to be that guy who loves anime, geeky stuff. Not very social and yet very helpful at fixing things. Yea probably sbouldve worked more on the social side.
Gaming helped me become the man I am today. My problem-solving and critical thinking skills helped me progress in my career.

I dont game as much as before but i dont stop it either.

I regret nothing
Not necessarily fully regret but I sure would have loved to go about it differently. Instead of the usual 12+ hours a day of gaming I wish I had done something not necessarily productive or useful but at least fulfilling in a way that it gave me a challenge and I learned something new to surpass it. Instead I just sat there playing MMORPGs as the rest of the world went on.

Definitly a lot of regrets but not total regret, it has shaped me into the person I am today after all.
I spent my years in front of the PC and tablet and never got the chance to go out with friends until I was 14-15, I've spent my entire childhood gaming and learning. Do I regret it? Hell no. I've learned so much, especially in the programming field, I sold Software and game hacks at the age of 16 and I got to go out every single day in the last summer with them.

I must admit, it used to be some kind of addiction. If it truly is the case for you, try to bend it so it gives you qualifications that can help build your build future up.
I used to game like that when I was in my teens and still do on occaision even now. And I imagine I'll still do it sometimes in the future, but probably much less frequently. Gaming is a hobby of mine and something I am very much in love with. All the gaming I did in my teens brought me closer to my friends who were also gaming and today we have a very strong bond because of all that time and gaming. If I had not been gaming, sure, I might have learned a sport or gotten a few more girlfriends, but I also would have lost out on many friends and bonds I have today.

I don't really regret anything. I still did well at school, stayed healthy, and had a healthy social life.
I spent my entire childhood and the better part of my teenage doing nothing but gaming and not having a social life, and I don't regret it. In the words of Comic Book Guy "I've spent my entire life doing nothing but collecting comic books... and now there's only time to say... LIFE WELL SPENT!".
NuclearVision wrote@randommemory I used to feel the same,
but that's the point, i never encountered any productivity while playing games, specially in my last school years, i think it is the definition for zero productivity, again i say mass gaming.
Even further, talking about memories, what memories are those, this frightens me most, 10-20 years from now, i won't have memories about real people, but instead vanished or blurry images of pseudonames, of random people you met online, legendary items i was hoping to win, clans. Which isn't frankly the best memory... More like a emotionless memory, no love or hate, just graphics.
You sound like you've been touched by the curse of World of Warcraft.
Totoro wrote
NuclearVision wrote@randommemory I used to feel the same,
but that's the point, i never encountered any productivity while playing games, specially in my last school years, i think it is the definition for zero productivity, again i say mass gaming.
Even further, talking about memories, what memories are those, this frightens me most, 10-20 years from now, i won't have memories about real people, but instead vanished or blurry images of pseudonames, of random people you met online, legendary items i was hoping to win, clans. Which isn't frankly the best memory... More like a emotionless memory, no love or hate, just graphics.
You sound like you've been touched by the curse of World of Warcraft.
Even worse, an iphone mmo-rpg, which is very mobile and light to play yet so addicting, got rid of it a year ago.
usually i think of a goal to stay happy through out the day, of my future.
Don't you do the same?