• Hardware
  • Xbox one Wireless receiver in Lebanon?

Hello guys, I just got an Xbox one controller to use on my PC and it's awesome! using it with a micro USB cable
do you know where I can find the Xbox one wireless receiver in Lebanon?
they are sold on Amazon for 25$ but I don't want to pay an extra 25 or 30$ to ship it here :P

Go to Mala . Algeria Street -and Check Out Nino Store , he sells the Xbox 360 Wireless Receiver Alone for Sub USD 40.


Personal Opinion:

I remotely enabled the PlayStation 4 Controller by pairing it with a USB-Blue Tooth Dongle in my desktop , almost many games recognize it my default and if a game did not recognize it , the InputMapper will do its job. I find it more relaxing , responsive , and nice compared to the Xbox 360 Controller. In case you have a PS4 with two two controller , to me that is a smart tweak.
Thanks for the reply man!
I have an Xbox one controller and not 360 and the x1 uses a direct wifi so it needs the Xbox one receiver, the X360 receiver won't work with it! thanks for the info though, I'll check nino store online
a month later
here is a quick update, I ordered one from Aliexpress I got it yesterday, it was surprisingly fast (less than a month)
got it for 34$, its retail price on Amazon is 25$ so I think this is a good deal

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