Ahmad Toutounji wrotewhat is the cap?
I used to download several tens of GBs per day and the speed never slowed down... So I don't think I had a cap

but the really crazy part was the upload speed, look at the seed speed:
i DIED a little inside :(
My cousin and I were both waiting for Fallout 4's release. He's studying in Holland. On the 10th we both started downloading the game. He finished his download in 40 minutes. I am still downloading.
I swear, when (if) I get a truly high-speed connection I will download everything I can just for the sake of being able to.
ragdoll wroteI swear, when (if) I get a truly high-speed connection I will download everything I can just for the sake of being able to.
that's why we don't deserve a faster connection
ballad wrote
ragdoll wroteI swear, when (if) I get a truly high-speed connection I will download everything I can just for the sake of being able to.
that's why we don't deserve a faster connection
If faster connections were a standard here, I wouldn't feel that way.
at least we can download 1080p+ movies and shows and 3d for some of them if you are in a hurry I only do 720p now because I need them in the next hour or so , we can at least download updates of games within minutes not hours(btw I have 2mbps speed unlimited from ogero)
If i had Internet like that, I would actually start seeding torrents.
Oh also the ping on most EU servers was pretty good, the difference between a 20-30s ping and 100 is quite noticeable
Thanks for rubbing salt in the wounds
ragdoll, we just need to wait for 2016+ for faster speeds (although I suspect it )
ragdoll wroteI swear, when (if) I get a truly high-speed connection I will download everything I can just for the sake of being able to.
I can tell you from experience that you will not care anymore when (hopefully) it happens.
Ahmad Toutounji wroteragdoll, we just need to wait for 2016+ for faster speeds (although I suspect it )
Half of the country did not get the 2mbps up from 1mbps upgrade yet even though the decree was signed like 2 or 3 years ago? And you honestly expect higher speeds for 2016? Yea maybe in 5 meters square in downtown and a couple of buildings around the parliament :)

I wish I was that optimistic as you .. :(
tonight , i will go internet club ill post reply from kiev
manowarr because he's from Europe that's why(I get 60 to 80 ms to Europe with interleaving off (ogero))
ManOwaRR wrotehonestly guys , 23ms to europe,
That's not just the end of it, I tried playing on a local server in the country and got this ping:

Here it was to a British surf server:

I wonder why we never get such pings on any local Lebanese servers of any game, even back when Wise was hosting MW2 servers I remember my ping used to be 90-100ms ingame, and what's funny if my friend hosts a server and I joined him I get 200ms lol(which I suppose is the connection going to france and back twice. so 100ms+100ms = 200ms for me to his server)