hello guys and i was just about to buy the witcher 3 and GTA 5 and some other games to play on my PC, and then i remembered my horrible download speeds that hover from 40 to 190 kb/s + my download cap that will screw me over. so i have seen people get the game files pirated from shops and install them without the included crack, buy the game key online, and just install the updates and they are good to go. i am really planning to do this, so i need some help and i need someone who has done this to walk me through it and answer my questions:

-where do i buy the cd key(what site)?
-will it 100% work?
-are there any disadvantages to it or will it be identical to the original retail version of the game ?

Buy the game from Steam just like any other game, start the download but pause it. Then go buy a pirated version of the game and install it on your HDD. Then copy what has been installed into your steamapps folder and resume the download on Steam. It should detect the game files and the download should jump to 100 percent. You may have to download patches, however.

It should work.

The only disadvantage I can think of is the risk of malware with the pirated data but if you have a good and up to date AM you should be fine.
im gonna pass by a shop tmrw and see what he has in stock(hopefully the witcher 3) and try this out, seems pretty straightforward. i dont think i will run into any malware issues (never have) but i have malwarebytes just in case. Thank you a ton!
Any malware or virus is definitely a false positive don't let it detter you.
Source: Have been using these disks for more than 6 years and i'm clean as a whistle.
-i buy my keys from kinguin.net with skrill or cashu
-not always it depends on the game sometimes with big updates youll have to download almost the full game
-no disadvantage as all the original files will replace the bad ones
For the witcher 3 please notice that the GOG version doesn't have DRM and any copy will work as if original .. only the updates are for paid users and they are also torrented on daily basis .. If you want to buy the witcher 3 .. please buy it from GOG.com
NAM wroteFor the witcher 3 please notice that the GOG version doesn't have DRM and any copy will work as if original .. only the updates are for paid users and they are also torrented on daily basis .. If you want to buy the witcher 3 .. please buy it from GOG.com
but i want the updates and the free dlc and all that good stuff + i plan to buy the paid expansions once they come out, and i have no experience with GOG whatsoever, so i prefer to stick with steam.
Anthony2000 wrote
NAM wroteFor the witcher 3 please notice that the GOG version doesn't have DRM and any copy will work as if original .. only the updates are for paid users and they are also torrented on daily basis .. If you want to buy the witcher 3 .. please buy it from GOG.com
but i want the updates and the free dlc and all that good stuff + i plan to buy the paid expansions once they come out, and i have no experience with GOG whatsoever, so i prefer to stick with steam.
GOG are a very good site, they're trustworthy not like most G2A sellers.

There are some developers that compress the game files so that you have to download less, you just download, uncompress and you have your game.
Out of topic.
I don't understand all the fuss about the Witcher 3 from the beginning.
I downloaded it, played it, until the mission where I kill that flying Eagle thingy.
And since then, I haven't played it yet.
Anyway, if you want the files, contact me and we'll make an arrangement. (mine is a torrent not the official files, but it will work just fine)
AVOlio wroteOut of topic.
I don't understand all the fuss about the Witcher 3 from the beginning.
I downloaded it, played it, until the mission where I kill that flying Eagle thingy.
And since then, I haven't played it yet.
Anyway, if you want the files, contact me and we'll make an arrangement. (mine is a torrent not the official files, but it will work just fine)
no, it's okay, i will just pick them up from my local store tomorrow, less of a hassle. I played the Witcher 1 and 2 so i just can not miss out on the Witcher 3! :D one of my favorite series. if you haven't played the previous games you wont have as much fun because the story is chained and completed through the Witcher 1-2-3.
If someone interested with a gog acc containing witcher 3 deluxe edition (plus i have the files) im selling mine for 20$
I wonder how will we be able to download Star Citizen when it comes out, it's more than 100GB.
Die_Kapitan wroteI wonder how will we be able to download Star Citizen when it comes out, it's more than 100GB.
Wow, that is pathetic. I understand game developers want to put the prettiest textures in their games but that is far too much.
tt400 wrote
Die_Kapitan wroteI wonder how will we be able to download Star Citizen when it comes out, it's more than 100GB.
Wow, that is pathetic. I understand game developers want to put the prettiest textures in their games but that is far too much.
It is not only graphics but the open world size is huuuuuuuggggggeeeeeee
tt400 wroteBuy the game from Steam just like any other game, start the download but pause it. Then go buy a pirated version of the game and install it on your HDD. Then copy what has been installed into your steamapps folder and resume the download on Steam. It should detect the game files and the download should jump to 100 percent. You may have to download patches, however.

It should work.

The only disadvantage I can think of is the risk of malware with the pirated data but if you have a good and up to date AM you should be fine.
copied all the game files to SteamApps/common and it didn't detect the files .... help?
Anthony2000 wrote
tt400 wroteBuy the game from Steam just like any other game, start the download but pause it. Then go buy a pirated version of the game and install it on your HDD. Then copy what has been installed into your steamapps folder and resume the download on Steam. It should detect the game files and the download should jump to 100 percent. You may have to download patches, however.

It should work.

The only disadvantage I can think of is the risk of malware with the pirated data but if you have a good and up to date AM you should be fine.
copied all the game files to SteamApps/common and it didn't detect the files .... help?
oh sh#t , after taking a good look at the files of the game, i discovered it was a GOG version , no wonder steam didn't detect it. should i go for a refund and get it from GOG instead?
Anthony2000 wrote
Anthony2000 wrote
tt400 wroteBuy the game from Steam just like any other game, start the download but pause it. Then go buy a pirated version of the game and install it on your HDD. Then copy what has been installed into your steamapps folder and resume the download on Steam. It should detect the game files and the download should jump to 100 percent. You may have to download patches, however.

It should work.

The only disadvantage I can think of is the risk of malware with the pirated data but if you have a good and up to date AM you should be fine.
copied all the game files to SteamApps/common and it didn't detect the files .... help?
oh sh#t , after taking a good look at the files of the game, i discovered it was a GOG version , no wonder steam didn't detect it. should i go for a refund and get it from GOG instead?
GOG is very easy and the games are DRM free (you can share them with friends for free) .. but if you are a steam fan go for the refund
NAM wrote
Anthony2000 wrote
Anthony2000 wrote
copied all the game files to SteamApps/common and it didn't detect the files .... help?
oh sh#t , after taking a good look at the files of the game, i discovered it was a GOG version , no wonder steam didn't detect it. should i go for a refund and get it from GOG instead?
GOG is very easy and the games are DRM free (you can share them with friends for free) .. but if you are a steam fan go for the refund
went for the refund and got my money back, and i decided i will just torrent the patches (already torrented 3, they work perfectly) and all the dlc and expansions since it seems that my copy of the game is compatible with the stuff uploaded on pirate bay (all GOG). I'm good to go! Thanks guys... and although i didn't want to go the pirating path (and wouldn't have if the copy i bought was a steam version not GOG) i just prefer steam over any other
GOG has free dlcs and i am not sure about steam but what i am sure of is expansions are not free for either