Hey everyone,

As the topic suggests, i would like to get some feedback from users who have tried the service and internet from Connect. I live in Bshamoun and the DSL is not an option, hence i am currently using Wins from Sodetel yet i'm inclined to try something new especially since its impossible to have a steady low latency (for online games).

Your feedback is much appreciated :)
6 days later
i tested(the 2 Mb connection) in my village where the maximum that Ogero can give is 1Mb speed. it was 2Mb/s and an average ping of 100

if anyone is else using it? a feedback is appreciated since i'm thinking of switching to them .

Hey MAD can you tell me more about their ping in gameplay? I mean sometimes the ping is 100 but you can feel that there are some kind of lag specially if it's not DSL.
On the other side, isn't the ping better over 3G?
Thanks for the feedback MAD. I also have a tiny question, which village are you from? and similar to BetterGoogleIt's question, i'd like to know if you tested your connection by playing specific online games and how did it hold up? I am curious since i've been craving to play LoL and HOTS.
Ruroken I play LoL too and I can tell that it doesn't spend a lot of MBs, my situation is similar to yours but I think I will go for 3G hotspot from my cellphone since in my village there aren't any coverage from any ISP but the alfa's signal is really good.
I've been considering 3G hotspot for a while now, but Connect is kinda my last resort, if the feedback is negative then 3G is my only choice. I need to check which has a better coverage in my area, Alfa or MTC.
Ruroken wroteThanks for the feedback MAD. I also have a tiny question, which village are you from? and similar to BetterGoogleIt's question, i'd like to know if you tested your connection by playing specific online games and how did it hold up? I am curious since i've been craving to play LoL and HOTS.
My village is Mtein, next to Bikfaya
And for the testing : people from the connect company are trying to sell their product in my area so i only downloaded a 1gb file, that's the only test i did, but i 'll have an account for testing soon (since they asked me to be a provider in the region) and i'll test online games (Dotta 2, CS go ) and i'll update you with more details.
Thanks MAD, your contribution is much appreciated :)
ok guys i did 3 types of testing

the first one is by speedtests.net below is the result

the second test was while playing dota 2, (check the ping at the top right corner of the image)

the third result was while downloading CS GO

as a conclusion

the ping is not stable (varies from 145 to 180 ms in game)and not as low as i expected however i played 2 dota2 games without any lags

as for downloading the speed is around 2 Mbps and stable
Thanks a lot MAD. Great feedback. I think having a ping of 145 - 180 ms is good enough for me as long as there is no lag in game. After this test you posted, i think i'm gonna give Connect a try beginning of next month so i will also post my feedback once i do.
@MAD, i have one last question, since i've been using Wise and Wins i do already own a WISE black box, in this case, do i need to buy the Wireless Broadband/WiFi Modem from Connect or i can simply use my Box and just buy their recharge cards?
@MAD, were you on the western or eastern european server. From what I've noticed sometimes when I'm playing on the western server my ping can vary from 120-150 and same goes to eastern goes from 80-120. I think even with those main servers there might be mini servers that you connect to and depending on their positions your ping might change.
@Ruroken no, you have to buy their specific router, but the good thing is that if you take the 25GB offer for 3 months you get the router for free, for more info pm me

@Kazouza i have no idea
4 months later
@Ruroken, did you finally go with connect? If yes, can you please provide us with a feedback?
well a new funny thing came up with connect, you cannot connect to the router that they provide with a mac (new os ) since as the support team told me, the os is blocking the CPE(WIFI) and it won't be fixed because it is a mac issue not a router issue , so they gave me 2 solutions:
1. connect the mac via cable.
2. take the router and visit the company, you pay for a repeater that they provide and they configure it for you.
Hehehe.. don't forget, we are after all living in lebanon. Everything is meant to be of the worst standard (including after sales services). Do you use "connect " to play online on a platform other than a mac? Say consoles for example (ps4...).
FakeDsl wrote@Ruroken, did you finally go with connect? If yes, can you please provide us with a feedback?
Well, i am going to try it out at the end of this month, they have a policy where if they're not sure whether their signal can reach your place or not, then in this case you get their router and try it out for 2 days and if it doesnt work out the you return it and get your money back.

Anyways, i'm gonna try it end of this month and write my feedback here.
10 days later
Hey guys , does anyone have any feedback about connect related to speed/stability?