Microsoft wireless controller for pc
-Computer case
-Skylake CPU
-z170 motherboard
-Powersupply 750w+
-Harddrive and/or SSD
-980, 980ti or an equivalent amd card
-1080p or 1440p monitor
Anyone have a DX58SO for sale, or I can borrow it to test my system??
greenius wroteLooking for a good deal on GTX 980 and MSI Z97 GAMING 7 motherboard

you found them?
need a freesync capable amd graphic card.

mainly interested in
r9 390
r9 390x
r9 fury
Needed: Connect Modem (Connect or Sodetel Connect)
Any Body Coming or Know Some One Coming from the United States I need a 1080 or a 1070 (not reference or founder edition)

Gigabyte G1 Gaming
Asus Strix
EVGA FTW edition
Zotac AMP! Extreme
Last Choice: MSI Gaming

PM to make a deal.

Thank You
Speakers, and audio adapter for xbox 360 controller
10 days later
i5-3***/4*** (with or without) motherboard and ram
500+Watt branded CPU (Preferably Antec, a modular Corsair)
A properly priced GTX 970/980

as individual parts or/and full systems