Want a OnePlus 2 badly. Realize it's almost impossible to find but I'm trying!
LifeEngineer wrote
Salloum wroteWant a OnePlus 2 badly. Realize it's almost impossible to find but I'm trying!
Well initial reviews aren't so encouraging.

You can order it from aliexpress! Here is your best price: It's not too far from original one:
Problem with the 2 is the SoC in it, the Qualcomm 810 is just awful. But I don't do heavy gaming at all so I don't really care about the throttling issues.
Thanks for the link. Do you know if I will wind up paying customs on this?
6 days later
Looking for a vintage camera in good conditions.
Salloum wrote Problem with the 2 is the SoC in it, the Qualcomm 810 is just awful. But I don't do heavy gaming at all so I don't really care about the throttling issues.
Thanks for the link. Do you know if I will wind up paying customs on this?
Well man it's a gamble to take if you really want badly this phone!
It's you and your luck! just make sure to tell the seller to claim it as a cheap phone for 50 bucks or a mp4 player etc...
Im lookint to buy any warhammer, 40k board games and miniatures. Or any similar boards game stuff.
Also anyone know where I can find new board games, Magic the gathering etc...
6 days later
Looking for a Raspberry pi 2 (preferably with a case)

and Arduino Uno board/full kits
Looking for a wireless xbox controller with receiver (for pc) must be in excellent condition and price should be reasonable
within beirut (preferably Mar elias, cola, bchara el khouri)
Houssam wroteLooking for a wireless xbox controller with receiver (for pc) must be in excellent condition and price should be reasonable
within beirut (preferably Mar elias, cola, bchara el khouri)
You can buy it new for 60$, i bought mine from goodfellas bekfaya
dsoftware.king wroteSamsung S5 or Note 4
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
hanibashi wrote
dsoftware.king wroteSamsung S5 or Note 4
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
am used to samsung, and I will restore everything from my current device
dsoftware.king wrote
hanibashi wrote
dsoftware.king wroteSamsung S5 or Note 4
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
am used to samsung, and I will restore everything from my current device
Me too. I keep a separate low end device for rooting and running select few root-only apps.

But my main device is always a Samsung. It depends really on what you do with a phone, and what you like.

I no longer feel the need that I need to root my phone, as it can do most things out of the box. I like Touchwiz, and prefer it to vanilla Android.

As for your question, I would always say go for the Note, instead of the S. But if you can't bare having it in your hand all day long, and would prefer it to go in a pocket, then get the smaller S.
hanibashi wrote
dsoftware.king wroteSamsung S5 or Note 4
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
My G4 came with a plastic cover in the box,double check yours.
Doom wrote
hanibashi wrote
dsoftware.king wroteSamsung S5 or Note 4
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
My G4 came with a plastic cover in the box,double check yours.
me too, as soon as the leather started to wear off I switched to plastic, still the best phone on the market
aliessayli2 wrote
Doom wrote
hanibashi wrote
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
My G4 came with a plastic cover in the box,double check yours.
me too, as soon as the leather started to wear off I switched to plastic, still the best phone on the market
Asus zenfone 2 FTW
Alloushi wrote
aliessayli2 wrote
Doom wrote My G4 came with a plastic cover in the box,double check yours.
me too, as soon as the leather started to wear off I switched to plastic, still the best phone on the market
Asus zenfone 2 FTW
I have the zenfone 2 and it is super awosome .. 64gb memory (can add up to 128 extra GB) .. 4GB Ram not a single lag in the past 3 months of use .. a very good chipset that can play any game easily (intel inside) .. customization options that can last you forever .. constant updates and improvements to the system and UI .. a very good camera (13mp back and 5 mp front) .. 3000 Amp battery .. a very fast charger (almost full within 90mins) .. two sim cards (one with 4g the other with 2g) .. a very good IPS screen .. all that for 300$ Unlocked (there is a 30$ TVA on purchase also) there are now many models that you can choose from.

Down side: the screen need a little more brightness (but still very good) .. no headphones with purchase .. no accessories in lebanon so far... the worst are the bloatware (but they can be deactivated).

In conclusion awesome phone XD
looking to buy about 22 google cardboards

7 days later
A 23-24 inch IPS monitor with a 1080p resolution. Black color.
7 days later
aliessayli2 wrote
Doom wrote
hanibashi wrote
none ! stay away from samsung if you're an android geek

i got my LG G4 and now am regretting i got it leather ! it started to ware off !

i recommend to get a nexus phone .. any new nexus is perfect now coming with Marshmallow 6.0 android OS
My G4 came with a plastic cover in the box,double check yours.
me too, as soon as the leather started to wear off I switched to plastic, still the best phone on the market
Get a Black leather then(33$ at cherké), mine is still in perfect condition even 2 months later and everyday use, though I don't put it in my jeans pockets

Searching for used but 100% working CPU i5 4690K + Z97 motherboard + RAM 8GB DDR3