@Rahmu and others as well..
Revising the topic from a change of habit perspective, as apps have evolved from single binaries to mvc and later ascended to script type code that run on various platforms and services, how do you perceive that work habbits in regards to version control have changed when working with agile methodology?
Different devops have a tendency to establish own codebase, config environment, etc. This leads to distributed and independent operations. Now my question to Rahmu is, as you have been moderating and doing version control. How do you things have changed, habits, methodology, ownership, documentation, etc.
What i am eager to hear about is how do you perceive the changes that "cloud coding" brings change and enables developers. What possible downfalls or challenges have you seen.
Opensource is a good reference base. In the past a developer developed an app from start to end handling everything in between. this approach was cumbersome when it came development and release. Development changed to framework type of solutions where individual components and functionscould be addressed and speed up releases. Then you got the mvc etc. Now the trend is towards coding using available API and platforms. Each stage of change along the way has changed to method of working towards a solution diverting from a centrally orchestrated mode of development to the type of working kn a choreography mode. This alone sets chsnges in the development occurs and is maintained.
It would be great if you could share statistics for example. How function code compatibility within a framework is maintained. Or what type of functional code is getting the most changes from code versioining perspective.
Hoping to hear good good examples and debates on the subject.
@Rahmu and others as well..
Revising the topic from a change of habit perspective, as apps have evolved from single binaries to mvc and later ascended to script type code that run on various platforms and services, how do you perceive that work habbits in regards to version control have changed when working with agile methodology?
Different devops have a tendency to establish own codebase, config environment, etc. This leads to distributed and independent operations. Now my question to Rahmu is, as you have been moderating and doing version control. How do you things have changed, habits, methodology, ownership, documentation, etc.
What i am eager to hear about is how do you perceive the changes that "cloud coding" brings change and enables developers. What possible downfalls or challenges have you seen.
Opensource is a good reference base. In the past a developer developed an app from start to end handling everything in between. this approach was cumbersome when it came development and release. Development changed to framework type of solutions where individual components and functionscould be addressed and speed up releases. Then you got the mvc etc. Now the trend is towards coding using available API and platforms. Each stage of change along the way has changed to method of working towards a solution diverting from a centrally orchestrated mode of development to the type of working kn a choreography mode. This alone sets chsnges in the development occurs and is maintained.
It would be great if you could share statistics for example. How function code compatibility within a framework is maintained. Or what type of functional code is getting the most changes from code versioining perspective.
Hoping to hear good good examples and debates on the subject.