
So I was playing battlefield 4 and was going to turn off my PC when I heard the unusual clicking noise coming from my PC, I opened the case and the sound was coming from the psu, I turned it off and the sound progressively came to a stop, so I am suspecting it's the fan. Took the PSU out, cleaned it from dust, and put it back into the PC.
Turned the PC back on and all was fine for about 5 mins then it started making that noise again, but less louder, I gave the psu a slight nudge, and I suddenly wished I didn't, it made an extremely loud whirring noise, I nudged it again a couple times and the sound stopped.

The PSU is a corsair VS650 powering the following rig
MSI Z97 gaming 3 motherboard
MSI geforce GTX 770
Intel core i7 4770k
WD black edition 1TB
2x4GB kingston hyperx white

Everything running stock settings.

Did my PSU start making that noise because it's not up to the task? Or is it just the fan?
Also can a bad UPS hurt the PSU? Because my UPS isn't one of the greatest. When the power goes out it makes an incredibly loud buzzing noise (sorta like electrical buzzing noise) that I never heard any UPS doing.

Thank you.
PSU needs new fan.
UPS might need replacement.
Can I change the fan myself? Or do I need to send it back to PCandParts?
It's only like a month old PSU btw.
EzikMezik wroteCan I change the fan myself? Or do I need to send it back to PCandParts?
It's only like a month old PSU btw.
get a replacement bro it still has a warranty
If it has warranty, ofc you should RMA it as aliessayli2 said.
It seems fine now, no noise whatsoever, should I send it back or wait till it starts giving me issues again? If I send it now they might say it doesn't have issues and won't replace it for me. And I don't think I can stay without a PC for too long xD
If there's no noise then technically you have nothing to send it for as they can assume that it's perfectly fine. Send it when you have issues with it again.
If it is not under a warranty, and you are on budget, then you can clean it your self.

Open the metal case of you PSU off, ofcourse after dismounting it from the case and no power is in there!
Then unscrew the fan

You will on one side of the fan that the is a paper/sticker label, take it off and stick on a nice smooth and clean surface like a clean glass.
you can see now a little piece of plastic that you can take off with your flat head screw driver.
after doing that now you can see the end of the axis that the fan spin on, apply some machine oil on the tip of the axis. put every thing back as it was, the cap, the label. mount the fan, mount the psu back in the case and try it!
If he were to unscrew the PSU, he would simply need a drop of oil under the sticker of the fan and nothing more. However he actually is under warranty, so he shouldn't take it apart.
Yeah I'd rather not play with it and void the warranty, although I appreciate your detailed reply M_Zeid.
Get a good PSU with a proper, silent, 120mm, automatically speed-controlled (by the PSU) fan. It's going to be a brand PSU.
Anyway the fan can be changed, or fixed. Maybe it just needs a cleaning. But you should know that the PSU contains capacitors which are dangerous, and can give an electric shock even after your PSU has been unplugged. So if you open it make sure not to touch things especially the capacitor, and you should be OK.
But yeah if it's under warranty why bother. Maybe you can manage to exchange it against something of higher quality.
I have someone I know in the US that's coming to lebanon around next week, I am gonna order a PSU from amazon to his house and I am still debating which one to get.
1st choice: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0092ML0OC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
2nd choice (for a couple more bucks) : http://www.amazon.com/XFX-PRO750W-Bronze-Energy-Certified/dp/B0045L4BJ6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1416686461&sr=1-1&keywords=XFX+750w+bronze

But I am afraid I wouldn't need the extra 150 watts the XFX psu provides.
What do you think?
EzikMezik wroteI have someone I know in the US that's coming to lebanon around next week, I am gonna order a PSU from amazon to his house and I am still debating which one to get.
1st choice: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0092ML0OC/ref=ox_sc_act_title_3?ie=UTF8&psc=1&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER
2nd choice (for a couple more bucks) : http://www.amazon.com/XFX-PRO750W-Bronze-Energy-Certified/dp/B0045L4BJ6/ref=sr_1_1?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1416686461&sr=1-1&keywords=XFX+750w+bronze

But I am afraid I wouldn't need the extra 150 watts the XFX psu provides.
What do you think?
XFX FTW. XFX PSUs are made by Seasonic so their quality is way better than a PSU made by CWT (Corsair CX series).
One day you will need them.
In any case, a margin is a good thing to have in general. OK not too much of it but in the case of the PSU I don't think there is too much to worry about.
Unless you want to spend the money on something else!
BTW check ebay as well.